Monthly Archives: January 2015


29 Jan 15 The Will to Stand: “The hardship of our exercises is intended less to strengthen the back than to toughen the mind. Spartans say that any army may win while it still has its legs under it; the real Test comes when all strength has fled, and men must produce victory on will […]

Coming to a State Near You?

26 Jan 15 “Rights” and “Privileges” From a friend in NY: “New York State treats ‘Pistol Permits’ as a privilege, not a right. Most Americans would call NY State policy on carry permits ‘discretionary issue,’ or ‘may issue.’ Words have meaning! Once politicians can change the word ‘right’ into ‘privilege,’ the door opens to abuse […]

Final SHOT Show Comments

25 Jan 15 Additional SHOT Show comments: Several have asked me to comment further on certain guns. I usually report only on those that interest me, so that my comments are not too lengthy. In many cases, they’re too lengthy anyway! The Beretta “M9A3″ is the latest iteration of the 92F. They’ve made the bulky […]

Western Europe Today!

23 Jan 15 This unhappy report on Western Europe, from a friend who lives there: “Seeing all the lip-service support received by Charlie Hebdo, you might have thought that, at long last, Europeans are getting their courage back. How wrong you would have been! Nobody here dares doing nor saying anything that might garner the […]

2015 SHOT show, Last Day

23 Jan 15 2015 Shot Show, Last Day. Gun manufacturers tell me that, when they announce a recall, updating 25% of eligible guns is considered a “success.” I had no idea the figure was that low. Blackhawk’s famous (and controversial) “Serpa” holster is being superceded by the new “GripBreak.” The Gripbreak is thumb operated. This […]

Thrid Day

22 Jan 15 2015 Shot Show, Third Day: Today, I saw friends at DSM. They manufacture the quick-deploying “POLICE” sash that is handy for identifying yourself as a police officer in a manner that can be easily seen. New deployment system is even faster than before. I’m now carrying a copy of the new version. […]

2015 SHOT Show, Second Day!

21 Jan 15 2015 SHOT Show, Second Day Raven Concealment has a wonderful kydex holster, designed specifically for the increasingly-popular “appendix” carry. Called the “Eidolon,” it is designed for comfort and low profile. Appendix-carriers will love it! While on the subject of concealment holsters, Friends at Bladetech showed me their “Total Eclipse” kydex concealment belt […]

2015 SHOT Show, First Day

20 Jan 15 2015 SHOT Show, First Day: Cor-Bon is now making their own DPX all-copper bullets for their line of DPX ammunition. They are also making DPX bullets available as components for hand-loaders. LaRue is making their own AR triggers. Like everything LaRue makes, they are wonderful! The “Predatobr” is still their premier AR. […]

2015 SHOT Show, “Media” Day

19 Jan 15 2015 SHOT Show, Las Vegas, NV, “Media Day” Today, we attended two of the three live-fire SHOT show events. There was the regular “Media Day.” Many vendors there, and an opportunity to shoot new guns. However, many non-shooting booths also. There was a simultaneous “Military Range Day” at another range, way on […]


18 Jan 15 Demographic Changes! “Why doesn’t our government protect us? Why aren’t criminals following gun laws? Why do we have to protect ourselves?” John Glassy (quoting a frightened student) This from a friend in the UK: “Jewish populations in the UK, France, and the rest of Western Europe are terrified! As a result, thousands […]


18 Jan 15 Demographic Changes! “Why doesn’t our government protect us? Why aren’t criminals following gun laws? Why do we have to protect ourselves?” John Glassy (quoting a frightened student) This from a friend in the UK: “Jewish populations in the UK, France, and the rest of Western Europe are terrified! As a result, thousands […]

…just wallpaper!

16 Jan 14 “… the status-quo will never want for an advocate” Fosbery An almost smirking chairman of the JCS, dressed in a perfectly-pressed class-A uniform continues to downplay threats posed by Islamic jihadis. He is the perfect background/wallpaper stooge for BHO! “The dogs of war” is a familiar phrase from Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar.” “Cry […]

History’s Lessons!

14 Jan 15 Comments from a friend in South Africa: In 1959 I lived in France, a small village just outside of Geneva Switzerland, on the French border. However, I spent much time in Paris. On all major intersections there were stationed two French troopers, standing on opposite corners. All were armed with submachineguns, four […]

Western Civilization!

9 Jan 15 Today’s events in France: The threat from Islam really hasn’t changed in fourteen centuries. We in the West should have gotten used to it by now! Since 600AD, Islam has maintained a belligerently malignant foreign policy. They invade other cultures, overtly or subvertly, establish beachheads, then local colonies, and then gradually take […]


7 Jan 15 Paris Follow-Up: BHO’s “statement” about the terrorist attack in Paris was cynically casual, an apparent annoying interruption to his day. He was obviously bored. No mention of Islamics, “radical” nor otherwise. I’m sure it was yet another example of “workplace violence” Anything but inspiring! Even our Secretary of State had some modicum […]

Murders in France

7 Jan 14 Islamic violence, once again, in Western Europe: “Sweetest of all is liberty. This we have chosen, and this we pay for. We have embraced the laws of Lykurgus, and they are stern laws. They have schooled us to scorn the life of leisure, which this rich land of ours would bestow upon […]

Weaponized Medicine

5 Jan 14 “Socialized” Medicine, now being “weaponized:” In NY, a retired police officer, with decades of faithful service, and who has foolishly remained in NY after retirement, was recently treated to a “visit” by local authorities. They came to his home to confiscate his legally-owned guns. No warning and no explanation. The retired officer […]

Recent Accidents:

2 Jan 15 “The moving finger writes; and, having writ, moves on: Nor all your piety nor wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a line, Nor all your tears wash away a word of it” Omar Khayyam (1048-1131AD) Gun Accidents: Several tragic, high-profile gun accidents over the Holidays should cause all Operators to […]