Yesterday’s Assassination Attempt!
There is much we still don’t know about the assassination attempt on the life of DJT yesterday in PA, but I am compelled to draw attention to these facts:
Were it not for a couple of centimeters, we would all be waking-up to a frightening, chaotic “New Age in America” this morning!
Predictably trying to “dictate the narrative,” the liberal media, CNN in particular, is doing its utmost to downplay the significance of yesterday’s near-catastrophe.
The foreign press is not nearly so casual!
Foreign journalists are pointing-out that at least some of the praise heaped-upon DJT’s Secret Service Detail may be misplaced!
1) The rifle-armed assassin, plainly-visible on a nearby rooftop only 150m away from the podium, went undetected for minutes, in spite of the fact that many were calling attention to him.
2) An SS Agent, after casually leveling her pistol in numerous unsafe directions, seemed unable to re-holster it.
There’s more:
America’s liberal media has apparently forgotten that a sizable group of elected politicians (all Democrats) lobbied to have DJT’s SS Detail removed entirely, following DJT’s recent kangaroo-court conviction in NYC.
Our media has also apparently developed amnesia with regard to blatant calls for violence, indeed lethal violence, against DJT, from the mouths of Democrats (elected Democrat politicians, not just fringy fruitcakes) and leftist “entertainment personalities.”
Up until yesterday, our giggling media thought all these hateful threats were “cute!”
And, before we’re all entertained by the media’s predictable anti-gun boilerplate, consider this:
Apparently, no one was ever murdered before AR-15s were available!
When he assassinated JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald used an obsolete, beat-up, 6-round capacity (non-detachable magazine), WWII, bolt-action rifle (Italian Carcano M38, 6.5×52), with a wobbly scope-mount.
And, JFK was in a moving car, closely mixed-in with other passengers!
Yet, there was never a call to “ban” this kind of rifle, before nor since.
More to come.