Monthly Archives: August 2020

Bolshevik Brilliance!

27 Aug 20 “I won’t insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said.” William F Buckley Jr From a friend and student in Minneapolis, MN: “Yesterday afternoon, Minneapolis Commissar Frey and his ‘Gang of Aging Bolsheviks’ held a press conference to report on their progress to ‘reform’ police use of force. As with Sleepy Joe, […]

Looking for Trouble?

27 Aug 20 “No ‘trouble’ ever got fixed late at night! Midnight is for regrets.” Holly Black Looking for Trouble! As we’re seeing in WI, when a person arms himself, and then goes out looking for trouble, he will (belatedly) discover that our Criminal Justice System has scant sympathy for him, nor for his personal decisions! When an armed person goes […]

“Former” Voters!

26 Aug 20 Democrats are suddenly finding themselves on the wrong side of the gun issue! At the recent (virtual) DNC Political Convention, radical left Democrats (is there another kind?) grabbed the microphone and endlessly, vehemently denounced our Constitution’s Second Amendment. They called for the omnibus federal reversal of state concealed-carry laws! They called for the elimination of private […]

Short Interval!

24 Aug 20 Time between “incident” and riot(s) is getting shorter! Social media and smartphone video has reduced this interval to just about zero! Observations: 1) Because of the short “incident-to-riot” interval, a citizen could open his office or shop in the morning, only to look-out a few minutes later to find a violent, destructive riot at his doorstep! 2) […]

Free Stuff!

20 Aug 20 “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” Churchill Free stuff? DNC proponents of socialism naively believe that, under a socialist/Communist government, capitalists and capitalism (whom they hate with a vile passion), when forever eliminated, will somehow magically continue to […]


18 Aug 20 “A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason” Cicero We Americans were always told to believe that both political parties were made-up of good people who cared about this country, whose motivations were always respectable, but who disagreed on the best way to administer national policy. Unhappily, most of us […]


17 Nov 20 She is going to “get us!” “Moderate” Kamala? “Look-out if you supported him (DJT)… because we are coming for you next! You will feel the vengeance of a nation” She said that at a fundraiser in April of this year! She’s “coming for us?” Sounds like gulags and gas-chambers to me! “Revenge is a confession of pain” Roman Proverb /John


13 Aug 20 Possible? “There are two things we should always be: 1) Raw 2) Ready When you are raw, you are always ready, and when you are ready you usually realize that you are raw. Waiting for ‘perfection’ is not an answer. One cannot say, ‘I will be ready when I am perfect,’ because then you will never be ready. Rather, one […]

No Relief!

10 Aug 20 “You’ve no respect You see it You grab it You’ve got yourself a very bad habit!” From “Trip, stumble, and Fall”, written by John Phillips and sung by his group, The Mamas and the Papas, in 1966 Continuing Chaos: Chicago’s violent (including multiple shootings, hundreds of rounds launched) rioting and looting in a fashionable area last […]


5 Aug 20 “Jesus reserved his harshest condemnation for hypocrites, especially pious ones!” Philip Yancey Listening to the evening news today, I see Democrats, and those who unfailingly choose to speak on their behalf (the liberal media), are in continuous, and ever-sanctimonious, denial about the exponentially-worsening lawlessness and anarchy that currently grips virtually every American city where […]

Liberal Fools!

3 Aug 20 Unintended consequences? Yesterday, the Minneapolis “Police Dept,” apparently with a straight face, emailed residents advising of them that it is their solemn civic duty to be “good victims!” (They’re saying this to ascendants of Vikings!) Residents are advised to never offer any resistance to violent criminals and to give-in to all their demands immediately. Presumably, that extends […]

“Don’t be so Square!”

1 Aug 20 “Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.” Lavrentiy Beria, Head of Stalin’s NKVD, 1938-1953 Beria was architect of the infamous Katyn Massacre in the spring of 1940, which saw in excess of 20k captured Polish Army officers, police, and intelligentsia systematically murdered and quickly buried in mass trenches. In February of 1945, when […]