27 Mar 19 “Today’s commercial pilots know a lot more about computers, and a lot less about flying, than they did even twenty-five years ago.” From a retired military and commercial pilot ISA (“Intelligent Speed ‘Assistance’”) The UK is supposed to be separating from the EU, but many UK politicians are still doing their best […]
Video Simulators
26 Mar 19 “When victory is always easily attained, you must reevaluate the worthiness of your ambitions” Attila the Hun Simulator Training: This is from a friend at Virtra, manufacturers of the latest generation of video simulators, currently in use by many institutions and agencies. “In order to extract maximum learning and benefit from these […]
Best Friends!
25 Mar 19 Venezuela, Part II When I served on active duty in Vietnam in 1968, my Marine comrades and I worked creatively to get out-of-date C-Rats to starving local children, who were otherwise scavenging for food at various dumps. We also got corpsman to come with us and provide emergency care for these same […]
Rioting, Coming to a Place Near You!
24 Mar 19 “Stir not murky waters, when you don’t know the depth, nor creatures that dwell beneath the surface.” Bryan Davis Last Friday in the City of Maracaibo, Venezuela (Venezuela’s second-largest metro area), during a protracted, nationwide, compulsory power-cut, ecumenical rioting broke out! The “permanent underclass,” so carefully created and expanded by Maduro’s socialist […]
22 Mar 19 2019 ILEETA Conference, St Louis, MO This year’s ILEETA (International Law Enforcement Educators’ and Trainers’ Association) annual Conference in St Louis, MO is winding down. Big vendor area, as always. Many wonderful, and well-prepared, classes on a wide variety of subjects. Of note: The new Aimpoint Comp-5 is about the size of […]
“When the Unexpected Meets the Unprepared”
19 Mar 19 Mosque Shooting Incident in New Zealand, 16 Mar 19 Learning points from Sunday’s mass shooting in New Zealand: 1) Islamics are no less vulnerable to these events than are Jews, nor Baptists! Perpetrator’s “manifesto” was (as most are), rambling, confusing, incomprehensible drivel! An army of mental-health experts are currently wringing their hands […]
2019 Rangemasters Tactical Conference
17 Mar 19 2019 Tactical Conference, Avondale (New Orleans), LA The 2019 Tactical Conference this weekend, organized and staged by Tom Givens, was at the Nolatac Racetrack in Avondale, LA, just southwest of New Orleans. Vicki and I were at this facility for the first time in our lives! Tom’s tireless effort in putting-on this […]
High Crime!
15 Mar 19 High-Crime Cities: Business Insider recently published a List of the fifty “most dangerous” cities in the world, in terms of violent crime. South and Central America, particularly Mexico, Venezuela, Honduras, Guatemala, Columbia, El Salvador, and Brazil are all good places to stay away from, as is all of South Africa! Kingston, Jamaica, […]
12 Mar 19 Last weekend, during a DTI DHG Course in LA, I had my first chance to test terminal effect of Lehigh Defense all-copper (monolithic) FTM bullets. LD manufacturers their own line of FTM ammunition, and also supplies bullets to Underwood, Black Hills, and others. We shot a pork loin through a SIG320 (9mm) […]
Flush and Insolent!
8 Mar 19 “A dauntless American Patriot, who describes himself as “not a gun-guy’ is like a Knight of the Round Table saying of himself: ‘I’m not really a sword-guy!’” JD Carr Late on the afternoon of 14 Dec 1774 (Wed), exactly one year after the famous “Boston Tea Party,” more than four hundred armed […]
“The Real Agenda”
6 Mar 19 “Gun control” never “works,” at least for the naively professed “intended purpose” of reducing violent crime. What these laws that restrict citizens from access to guns will do, and have done every time they’ve been passed, is to vastly reduce risk-exposure endured by violent criminals, while generating a whole new community of […]
“The Real Agenda”
6 Mar 19 “Gun control” never “works,” at least for the naively professed “intended purpose” of reducing violent crime. What these laws that restrict citizens from access to guns will do, and have done every time they’ve been passed, is to vastly reduce risk-exposure endured by violent criminals, while generating a whole new community of […]
No Doubt!
4 Mar 19 Democrats and (your) Guns! Law-abiding American gun-owners, so viciously hated and feared by Democrats (and all other totalitarians) are slated to be the sole target of Democrats’ anti-gun/anti-freedom agenda as we approach 2020 elections. Here are the steps (completely predictable, since they were/are used by Stalin, Pol Pot, Maduro, and all other […]
The Sage!
3 Mar 19 Concealed-Carry Pistols: Mid-size, double-column, 9mm pistols, such as the G19, SA/XD, S&W M&P, Walther PPQ, H&K VP9, SIG 320, CZ P10C, et al have enjoyed immense popularity among Operators, for some time. They are all 16-shooters (at least) and are designed for concealed carry, particularly for average-to-large-sized men. Compact, single-column 9mm pistols, […]