The leftist “religion!”
28 Apr 23 Security Disaster: This traitorous airman was able to leak top-secret information to social media for six months, apparently without detection. This is a scandal of epic proportions! Incompetents need to be fired without delay, starting with our Secretary of Defense, then our Secretary of the Air Force, then […]
27 Apr 23 “A Girl and a Gun” Vicki and I are at the 2023 AGAG Convention in Grand Junction, CO. Both of us are presenting classes here over the next three days, along with fifty-seven other Instructors. It is a huge event, and amazingly well-organized. Six-hundred women in attendance. AGAG is […]
25 Apr 23 Fighting in Sudan. This from friends in a position to know: UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, warns that Sudan is “… on the edge of the abyss,” and murderous violence will likely expand to engulf the entire region! Fighting has left 500 dead since 15 April, at least […]
“4 Rs”
21 Apr 23 The “4 Rs” “Rich liberals go to Rehab. Regular people go to Rikers.” Suddenly, and with no explanation, Hollywood darling, Alec Baldwin’s, felony charges simply vanish, as if by magic! I neglected to mention in my last Quip (“The New Rules”) that these rules only apply to “regular […]
The New Rules!
19 Apr 23 Prosecutors and Agendas: There are two lessons I’ve lately found it necessary to particularly emphasize in my instruction with regard to expectations from our “legal system” The following is based on my personal experience in recent lethal-force cases, and that of others among my close colleagues. 1) There […]
The New Rules!
19 Apr 23 Prosecutors and Agendas: There are two lessons I’ve lately found it necessary to particularly emphasize in my instruction with regard to expectations from our “legal system” The following is based on my personal experience in recent lethal-force cases, and that of others among my close colleagues. 1) There […]
NRA Show Update
18 Apr 23 Update/Correction: In my review of interesting products at this year’s NRA Show in Indianapolis, IN (just concluded), I mentioned a wonderful pistol target system that ingeniously combined a Texas Star with a bobbing/weaving paper target. Some got back with me, because they couldn’t find it on the Web. […]
2023 NRA Show, Second Day
16 Apr 23 2023 NRA Show, Second Day. We departed Indianapolis this morning, so this report is a day late! A company called Dead Foot Arms is manufacturing the “FoldAR” It’s an M4 with a folding (sideways) stock, and folding (sideways) forend and barrel! When folded, the whole thing is only […]
2023 NRA Conference
14 Apr 23 2023 NRA Conference and Show, Indianapolis, IN Today was the first day of this year’s NRA Show and Annual Meeting. DJT is here, as is Pence. I understand Pence received a less-than-warm welcome! Not being involved in NRA politics, I will not hear about major changes (if any) […]
Serious weapons and training!
10 Apr 23 “In a real fight, I would no sooner kick someone in the head than I would punch him in the foot!” Bruce Lee Real vs Superficial There are two general types of Japanese swords. “Old Swords,” purpose-built strictly for battlefield use, most being made prior to 1600AD. […]
“Mostly Peaceful”
9 Apr 23 “I realize how much those in former colonies of the USSR hunger for individual freedom, while simultaneously naive citizens of Western Civilization are carelessly surrendering theirs. When you have been brutally enslaved for sixty years by Communist tyrants, the word ‘Freedom’ has special meaning!” From a friend in Europe […]
The First Five Seconds!
6 Apr 23 “The world is crying out for the very thing that it is shutting out!” Craig Lounsbrough Vainly Begging for Help In today’s America, especially in our rapidly-deteriorating metro areas, bystanders to chronic urban havoc are progressively less likely to help anyone in genuine distress. Military/police veterans, trained […]
Urban Rifle
5 Apr 23 Legitimate Defensive Rifle Skills: “Some believe they can find satisfaction in good food, fine clothes, lively music, and sexual pleasure. However, when they have all these things, they are still far from satisfied! They realize happiness is not simply having material needs met. Thus, society has set up a […]
Never Surrender!
4 Apr 23 “You don’t fight with what you have… You fight with what you have LEFT!” Seyfried As Russia’s ill-fated Ukrainian Invasion goes on longer than anyone ever expected, and the tenacity, courage, and resourcefulness of Ukrainians continues to both astound and frustrate Putin (and the rest of the world), it […]