31 Mar 13 My long-time friend and colleague, Tom Burris, recently retired from the LAPD after thirty years of service, is now here in CO and has set-up a local training/consulting business. Tom is one of my instructors and very capable. For those living in the Front-Range area looking for competent training, Tom is the […]
From a friend and professing Democrat
30 Mar 13 From a friend and professing Democrat: “I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that not all Democrats are anti-gunners” My reply: “I suppose you could say not all Nazis were anti-Jew, but that didn’t alter the outcome, did it? The fact is, just about all Democrat politicians are, in fact, viciously […]
Dangerous Times!
29 Mar 13 NY’s recent “Safe” anti-gun act, hurriedly passed in the middle of the night by sleazy leftist politicians, including the governor, has now become an embarrassment! As with Obamacare, no one read it before voting! The ill-conceived law limits the capacity of all magazines, even handgun magazines, to seven rounds. So, the sale, […]
ADSI’s website
27 Mar 13 ADSI’s (Association of Defensive Shooting Instructors) website is now up and accessible. See it at: I am on the Board, along with many of my senior instructor colleagues. This organization will provide a competent informational resource for all instructors. Recommended! /John
Luke Short, 1854-1893
24 Mar 13 Luke Short, 1854-1893 Luke Short, a weedy, diminutive alcoholic (like most of his gunfighter colleagues of the era) is less well known than his friends and contemporaries Wyatt Earp, “Wild Bill” Hickok, “Bat” Masterson, et al. Like another contemporary, “Doc” Holiday, Short never enjoyed good health, and, like Hickok, never saw his […]
A Terrible Secret
20 Mar 13 Yesterday, without warning, local police in NJ, escorted by officials from the State’s “Department of Children and Families,” literally raided the house of a hapless NJ resident, demanding to see his privately-owned guns, which were locked in a gunsafe. In typical bully fashion, they also demanded to search his entire house and […]
How many times do we have to (re)learn the same lesson?
18 Mar 13 England’s famous SAS (Special Air Services) Regiment has reluctantly concluded that, as a main battle rifle, it government’s notorious SA80 rifle, chambered for 5.56×45 (223 Rem), is a consummate failure, at least in current Mideast conflicts. The party line, for public consumption, is that the bullpup SA80 is “world class,” and that […]
Imagine that!
18 Mar 13 An FBI publication, “Violent Encounters, A Study of Felonious Assaults on Our Nation’s Law Enforcement Officers” curiously includes the following paragraph: “To protect all Americans, the federal government has passed many laws to restrict and limit firearms purchases. The offenders in this research, however, stated that none of these laws, nor statutes, […]
ASP Turbo Flashlight
17 Mar 13 I’ve been carrying around my copy of ASP’s “Turbo” flashlight for a number of weeks. It’s six inches long and one inch in diameter, one and a half inches in diameter at the bulb end. It runs on two, 123 batteries So, it is small enough to carry in the cargo-pocket of […]
Changing Demographics
15 Mar 13 At a large gun retailer in the Midwest yesterday I had a long personal conversation with the general manager, a friend of many years. As far as guns and ammunition, he has the same problem as everyone else. All military rifles are hard to get, and sell immediately just as soon as […]
Rifle Optics
11 Mar 13 At an Urban Rifle Course last weekend, a student brought an FN/SCAR/17S (7.62×51). His SCAR was equipped with a 3.5x ACOG Optic on top, and iron sights, offset on a 45-degree angle to the right, on LaRue offset mounts. The SCAR ran fine for the duration, without a single hiccup, as did […]
8 Mar 13 I stopped at a big Cabela’s south of Austin, TX this afternoon. Here is what I found: No 223, 308, 9mm, 40S&W, 38Spl, 357Mg, 22LR ammunition anywhere in the store. No high-performance, nor hardball. Some 30-06, some 30-Carbine Gold-Dot, some 7.62x54R (Soviet equivalent of the 308), Some 45ACP Gold-Dot, three 20-round boxes […]
Big Cities
6 Mar 13 I had dinner with a deputy-chief of a big-city PD last week. We’ve known each other for a long time. When I first met him years ago, he was an enthusiastic, young patrolman/trainer. His patrolmen now carry SIG 229/DAKs in 40S&W. They issued WW/SXT for a while, but have recently seen superior […]
Polite Society 2013
3 Mar 13 I’m here in Memphis, TN at Tom Givens’ indoor range, participating in this year’s “Polite Society” Event. Tom Givens’ tireless effort in putting this clinic together every year is much appreciated by all of us. There is a live-fire shooting exercise, all done is low light, along with various scenario-based drills and […]
“It takes Disasters…”
1 Mar 13 This from a friend, recently retired from many years of respected service with the LAPD: “Yesterday was the 16th anniversary of our now-famous ‘North Hollywood Bank of America Shootout.’ Along with millions of other viewers, I watched the review on TV from my sofa at home. Two days after the event, I […]
Modern and Trendy:
1 Mar 13 The first of my books, “The Farnam Method of Defensive Handgun Shooting,” is now available on Kindle for $7.00! The rest will follow. Go to: /John