Most Difficult
30 May 19 The most difficult skill we teach! My colleagues and I struggle daily as we energetically articulate fundamental principles of our Art, from personal philosophy to selection of critical equipment. Most agree that the chief among challenging concepts we do our best to explain to our anxious students is the correct way to […]
29 May 19 At least some in Western Europe are finally fed-up, as reflected in France’s recent elections! Fast-moving French police have arrested four in connection with an explosion a week ago Friday on a street-corner in the city of Lyon , which injured thirteen. Curious that we’re seeing a definite shift in the way […]
Flying with Guns
21 May 19 “Every bit of learning is a little death. Every bit of new information challenges a previous conception, forcing it to dissolve into chaos.” Jordan Peterson I flew (SWA) from PDX (Portland, OR) to DEN last week, with my usual complement of gear. In my Eagle Creek roller-duffel, I have my copy of […]
Victims, by Choice!
15 May 19 “When you are not prepared to use force to defend this civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism.” Thomas Sowell Last Saturday, 11 May 19, two innocent, unsuspecting hikers on the VA section of the famous Appalachian Trail were approached and precipitously attacked by a knife-wielding hoodlum. One male hiker died on […]
13 May 19 CNN’s Agenda On 7 May 19 (Tuesday), two active murderers entered a charter school in a Denver suburb and started shooting with pistols stolen from the parents of one of them. One dead. Eight wounded. Both suspects were taken into custody, apparently uninjured. In reporting the incident, CNN reporters piously wring their […]
Learned Helplessness
9 May 19 “Every day is ‘ordinary,’ until it isn’t!” Bernard Cornwell On 3 June 17, a group of van-driving, knife-wielding Islamic jihadi fanatics carried-out the notorious “London Bridge/Westminster Attacks” in the UK Inquest findings have been published. These should be required reading for complacent Americans who purchase a pistol, maybe even expose themselves to […]
Booker’s Agenda
8 May 19 “Among many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest!” Gandhi Cory Booker’s Agenda: Cory Booker, a Democrat/socialist presidential aspirant, says when elected, he’ll implement his own anti-gun agenda, mostly (as Kamala also vows) by executive edict! 1) […]
308 and 7.62×51
7 May 19 308 and 7.62×51 As most of us know, 5.56×45 is the “militarized” version of the civilian 223 Rem varmint cartridge, developed by Remington in 1957. Military-rifle chamber dimensions for the 5.56×45 cartridge are more generous than the civilian 223 (SAAMI-spec), although both rounds will chamber and fire in NATO-spec military rifles. SAAMI […]
Upcoming DTI Classes
2 May 19 DTI Classes: At the request of students, I’m promulgating a list of upcoming DTI Classes at the beginning of each month. You may register for any of them directly at our DTI Web Page at We still have open slots in most: Upcoming DTI Classes: 4-5 May 19 DTI Advanced Defensive […]
Red Flags!
1 May 19 “Red-Flag” laws: As we all know, Democrats are working tirelessly to get “red-flag” laws passed at state and local levels, and they’ve been successful in states where voters have been foolish enough to elect them. More are likely on the way. As I’ve editorialized previously, with these laws, Democrats are converting American […]