Mob Violence!
30 Apr 15 The “Baltimore/Ferguson Model” Between now and 2016, we’re going to see “Baltimore/Ferguson-style” mob violence in virtually every major metro area in the Country. It has already spread to NYC, Chicago, and Boston! Combine a large, permanently non-contributing sector of the population with incompetent politicians (little more than dithering buffoons), and race-bating presidential […]
ILEETA, Last Day
25 Apr 15 “Give your students too much, fill-in all the blanks, and they will contribute nothing themselves. They will be sterile non-participants. Rather, give them just a suggestion, and get them working with you. That’s when learning begins!” Orson Welles I just completed two lectures at this year’s ILEETA Conference, both on the subject […]
ILEETA, 3rd Day
22 Apr 15 ILEETA Conference, 3rd Day Today, I saw a demonstration of the “SurLock System” It is an uncomplicated and inexpensive restraint system designed for jails, where the prisoner can be granted “adjustable” use of his hands and legs. But, his freedom of movement can be extended or restricted, quickly and at will, all […]
ILEETA 2015, 2nd Day
21 Apr 15 ILEETA Conference, 2nd Day More Classes today, on a dozen different subjects. I tried to attend them all! My esteemed colleague, and friend, Jeff Chudwin, put on an all-day AR Armorer’s Course. Jeff’s Course is second to none. Overflow crowd! Our vendor’s area opened today. I got a chance to handle Glock’s […]
Armed Response to a Terrorist Attack!
21 Apr 15 We’ve had a strong response to our “Armed /response to Terrorist Attack” Courses in FL and other venues. This Course involves both pistols and rifles and includes many scenarios, where the student must engineer circumstances to his best advantage. Our next one is in Rochester, IN in May. We’re doing a simultaneous […]
ILEETA, 2015
20 Apr 15 2015 ILEETA Conference: We’re currently attending this year’s ILEETA (International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association) Conference in Wheeling, IL All police trainers need to be members and attend this annual Conference. Too much good information here to miss out on! Today, it was Vicki’s and my honor to serve on our […]
“Benevolent” Despot?
14 Apr 15 Beware the “angelic despot!” “Corruption inherent in absolute power derives from the fact that such power is never free from the tendency to turn man into a ‘thing,’ and press him back into the matrix of nature from which he has risen… Hence, absolute power corrupts, even when seemingly exercised for humane […]
Enforced Helplessness!
11 Apr 15 “Disarmed Forces:” Under the current Administration, US military posts within CONUS are in the process of essentially guaranteeing another successful “Ft Hood” massacre! Since genuine fighting generals have now all been replaced with “managers,” their “solution” to gun accidents and wanton attacks is: More distrust More “snoopervision” More suffocating regulation And even […]
Fight Them Off?
9 Apr 15 Really? Today, a Kenyan (Africa) government spokesman, apparently with a straight face, suggested that Christian students, slain during last week’s attack by Islamic jihadists, should have “fought back!” He further suggested, still with a straight face, that they should have “yelled and screamed!” I suspect they actually did take his suggestion on […]
8 Apr 15 Character Flaw: Last weekend, a patrol rifle (type/caliber unknown) was stolen from a private vehicle owned by a Calgary (Canada) municipal police officer. Not many details are available, but Calgary’s Police Superintendent said this in his immediate response: “There is no reason, in my mind, why an officer would take this firearm […]
Rich Kids!
6 Apr 15 Rich Kids! “There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad!” Salvador Dali One of the identified murderers in the attack on a Kenyan University last week was a lawyer, and the son of a prominent government official! I remember […]
Who has eyes?
6 Apr 15 Who has eyes, let him see! Last week’s carefully-planned, deliberate massacre of selected, unarmed Christian students in Kenya, in East Africa, carried out by a small group of heavily-armed Islamic terrorists (just the latest in a series of such events in Africa and the Mideast), should serve as a dire warning to […]
2 Apr 15 “Follies” During the Vietnam War, I vividly remember daily military briefings, faithfully delivered by military spokesmen to the press corps in Saigon. They were cynically referred to by news correspondents as “The Five O’Clock Follies,” as both content and presentation were so preposterously biased and self-serving as to be laughably absurd. Gradually, […]