Monthly Archives: December 2013


31 Dec 13 “Multi-Tasking” (whatever that means): Yesterday, I was upland bird hunting at a preserve here in CO. Our quarry were pheasants and chukar partridge. We were hunting with the aid of an excellent dog whose job it was to seek out the birds and then persuade them to launch themselves into the air […]

Boston PD

29 Dec 13 ARs for Police The City of Boston’s mayor-elect had declared that BPD officers will not be getting any of the ARs the PD desperately wants. The plan was to equip specially-trained officers with these rifles. The PD wants just 33 ARs for the entire department, so that there will be at least […]

Web Page!

26 Dec 13 Upgraded Web Page: We’ve, once more, upgraded our Web Page, jsfarnam Quips will now be posted automatically, as they are generated. 2014 Training Schedule is now posted. Of course, it will change, but it is all there for your review. Once again, get hold of me directly when you don’t see what […]


24 Dec 13 Mikahil Kalashnikov, 1919-2013 Comments on the life of Kalashnikov: When confronted, innumerable times, by air-headed Western journalists (is there another kind?) with regard to his AK-47 rifle and it ubiquity, Kalashnikov always replied with some variation of: “I sleep well. It’s politicians who are to blame for failing to come to agreement […]


22 Dec 13 Speaking “loserese” “I think everyone should go to college and get a degree, and then spend six months as a bartender, and another six months as a cabdriver. Then, they would really be educated.” Al Mcguire I don’t play the lottery. I refuse to, because I think the lottery is a disgusting […]

SA XD/S Recall‏

21 Dec 13 Springfield Armory XD/S Recall: The top four pistols we see at Courses currently are, Glocks, XDs, M&Ps, and Kahrs. SIGs represent a distant 5th place. 1911s, Berettas, et al bring up the rear. One exception is the Beretta Nano (small, 9mm concealment pistol), which is right now enjoying appreciable popularity. SA’s XD/S, […]

Honesty, for a Change!

21 Dec 13 No apologies! Putin’s short speech to the Russian Duma, 4 Aug 13. Not surprisingly, it received no coverage in the Western media: “In Russia, live like Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, when it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect Russian laws. […]

School “Security”‏

19 Dec 13 “Solutions” in NY In the “liberal utopia” of NY, it is apparently very “PC-sheik” for school officials to publically, and oh, so piously, declare that they just “can’ t fathom” all the bad things that can happen to people on campuses for which they’re responsible. A local police official in the Buffalo […]

Western civilization in decline

16 Dec 13 “Who naively think we can be happy and prosperous by letting the government ‘take care of us,’ rather than taking care of ourselves, had better take a closer look at the American Indian!” Anon From a friend and student who came here to the USA from Eastern Europe in the early 1960s: […]

“Solving” Problems?

15 Dec 13 “The worst enemies of new radicals, are ‘old’ liberals!” Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) “… the status-quo will never want for an advocate” Fosbery NY’s obscure “Department of Environmental Conservation” is now proposing a state-wide ban on wild pig hunting, despite the fact that wild pigs are calamitously destructive to farmland, all because: ” […]

Media and Guns

12 Dec 13 Anti-gun bias in the media is decades old, although they sheepishly, and oh-so self-righteously, deny it. Anti-gun groups, like the Brady Bunch, are unfailingly described by the media as “experts” (even though none of them could distinguish a gun from a waffle-iron), and their intrinsic, far-left, Marxist agenda is never mentioned. By […]

From a friend in NY

11 Dec 13 “Their titles are legitimate… their children are not!” From “Come Along with Me,” from the 1953 Broadway Musical Production, ” Can-Can” Original version sung by Hans Conried From a friend in NY: “A local physician was recently issued an appearance ticket by Sheriff’s Deputies in Wayne County, NY for stealing lawn signs […]

News from Detroit

4 Dec 13 The news from Detroit, from a friend in the finance business: “Who joined the DPD years ago, thinking he had secure pension benefits, just got that bubble broken! All those rosy promises, made by smiling politicians, were lies, and the sin is double, because they knew full-well they were lying when those […]

Manufactured “epidemics?”

3 Dec 13 Stalin, and his successors, routinely declared political opponents, even mild critics, “mentally ill,” and subsequently disenfranchised them, eventually forcing them into gulags (masquerading as “mental hospitals”) Most were never seen again, their “mental illness” being apparently “incurable!” An army of psychologists was recruited, and terrorized into endorsing the Administration’s sinister plans for […]

What little we know about using a gun in self-defense, during a personal attack

1 Dec 13 What little we know about using a gun in self-defense, during a personal attack: Many shooting statistics, commonly bandied-about, are dubious and agenda-driven. We need to view them all with a jaundiced eye. One example, routinely used by blindly-devoted gun-phobes, is that you’re more likely to be shot by a family member […]