30 Mar 24 “Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship” Denzel Washington Red dots, bird hunting, and exasperating lessons! Yesterday afternoon, I was upland bird hunting at our local club here in CO. My quarry was the wily, drab-colored chukker partridge. I’ve hunted chukkers many times, and I’m […]
“Apex” Predators!
25 Mar 24 “The more you screw them, the better they like it” Liberal axiom “Apex” Predators: On Saturday in northern CA, two young brothers were precipitously attacked by a mountain lion. One brother, while injured, survived the attack. The other brother didn’t! Leftist politicians are busily “reintroducing” […]
Security Theater!
24 Mar 24 “Owning a gun is choosing to be an active participant in your own rescue” Gideon Joubert (South African colleague) Unarmed “Guards” During the murderous ISIS attack at a Moscow (Russia) concert last Friday, uniformed (but unarmed) guards were generously posted at strategic points throughout the venue, as one […]
“Modern” Policing!
20 Mar 24 “They can’t shove it up your ass while you’re sitting on it!” Glennon The national calamity of trying to police in a woke political culture: Today, I attended a number of classes where I was treated to hearing all about, “Constitutional Policing,” endless lectures on “de-escalation,” avoiding any […]
ILEETA, 2024
19 Mar 23 ILEETA, 2024 Vicki and I are at the 2024 ILEETA (International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association) Convention here in St Louis. All LEOs need to be members! Trainers particularly should attend these conventions, as there are so many valuable classes, demonstrations, vendors. It is great way to stay […]
Our Justice System, Wounded!
16 Mar 24 “Wrath and anger are hateful things. Yet, the sinner hugs them tightly” From the Book of Sirach, 27:30. Sirach, written by a Jewish scribe (Sira), probably in Alexandria, Egypt, dates from 175BC, but was/is not included in Jewish Canon. It is included among “apocryphal books” of the Catholic Bible […]
“The Narrative”
14 Mar 23 Controlling the Narrative: Back on 6 Feb 24, a man precipitously hurled two cans of burning liquid at a group of people waiting for a train on NYC’s Subway System in Manhattan. The attack was apparently random. No serious injury was reported. The perpetrator ran away. The entire […]
Vanishing Police!
12 Mar 24 Diminished Police Protection: “Why doesn’t our government protect us? Why aren’t criminals following gun laws? Why do we have to protect ourselves?” John Glassy The City of Pittsburgh, PA used to have (just a few years ago) a Police Department with 1700 sworn officers- on patrol, answering calls, […]
7 Mar 24 While The People are virtuous, they cannot be subdued But, once they lose their virtue, then they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader. Samuel Adams We’re there! Entire segments of our population have been told (by sleazy, amoral Democrat […]
Serious Purposes!
5 Mar 24 Serious Ammunition! I just got off the phone with Peter Pi Jr, CEO of Defiant Munitions in Sturgis, SD. Two rounds I recommend for serious purposes: Defiant 9mm 115gr +p TCX (all-copper HP projectile)Defiant 223 Rem 55gr TCX (also all-copper projectile) After numerous spotty shortages, are now in-stock […]
Envy, celebrated!
4 Mar 24 Inflationary Economy: In many states, certainly blue states, shoplifting (along with most other forms of thievery) is de-facto legal! It is now common for brazen thieves to enter a store like any other shopper, openly pick up what they want, and exit without paying. They don’t even need to […]