Monthly Archives: July 2014

Tale of Two Presidents

31 July 14 Benjamin Netanyahu and Harry Truman Theodore “Dutch” Van Kirk, the last living member of Enola Gay’s crew, just died at the age of ninety-three. “Enola Gay” was the nickname of the American B29 bomber, commanded by Colonel Paul Tibbits, that delivered the atomic bomb (code named “Little Boy”) to the Japanese city […]


30 July 14 Rights? A relative recently said to me: “You may think you have the right to own guns, but I have the right to walk in the park and not be shot.” My response was a searing: “No, you don’t! “You don’t have a ‘right’ to have nothing bad ever happen to you. […]

More On International Travel

25 July 14 On international travel, from a friend and student: “Several years ago, I had the opportunity to travel to Israel on a low-cost deal, so I decided to go. I was the guest of an organization promoting the education of Jewish youth. Nothing much exciting happened in the two weeks I was there, […]

Places to Stay Away From!

23 July 14 “Terrorism is not ‘the pursuit of legitimate goals by illegitimate means.’ Whatever these murderers may be trying to achieve, ‘creating a better world’ certainly isn’t one of their goals!” Salman Rushdie Places to stay away from: Recent reports on acts of terrorism, perpetrated by devotees of assorted demented ideologies (the vast majority […]


19 July 14 Lusitania? “I have never heard anything about the ‘resolutions’ of the Apostles, but I have heard a good deal about their ‘Acts.’” Og Mandino Under a timid, military-hating President Wilson, America resisted becoming involved in what would ultimately be called “The Great War” (WW1), already raging in Europe since July of 1914. […]

No Excuse Zone!

18 July 14 “As a teenager you are at the last stage in life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you.” Fran Lebowitz AR Dust-Covers and Annoying Surprises! During my Urban Rifle Courses, I council students armed with ARs to manually close the spring-loaded dust-cover at nearly every opportunity. […]

Always Faithful!

14 July 14 “‘Impossible’ is a word found only in the dictionary of fools.” Napoleon Bonaparte Between December of 1941 and VJ Day (15 Aug 45), the WW I Monument Castle Tower atop Mount Battie, overlooking Penobscot Bay on the Maine Coast, was occupied continuously by volunteer members of the “Home Guard,” mostly ageing WWI […]


9 July 14 Powertac E5 Flashlight: An LEO friend recommended I get a copy of Powertac’s E5 flashlight. I did, and it is now mounted on my STS/AR and has been traveling with us. It is a genuinely small, military-grade, personal flashlight. Less than $100.00. And, it puts out 950 lumens! I still like my […]


7 July 14 Southern “Border:” When in South Africa several years ago, I did some informal instruction at a range near the costal city of Durban. My hosts lived in Durban and transported me around. On the way back to town one Sunday evening, it was late and dark, and we passed a large cemetery. […]

The Art!

5 July 14 The Art of Learning: “History is never erased, nor forgotten. ‘Regret’ is merely wishing things were different, absent any willingness to act in order to cause a change. By contrast, ‘repentance’ is a sincere admission that we’re going the wrong way, combined with a personal resolve to change direction. ‘Regret’ is a […]

Personal Responsibility

4 July 14 Independence Day! How far we’ve come! This from a friend and LEO: “I received an invitation to attend a 2014 ‘Police/Security Expo’ in Atlantic City, NJ. In it was a warning to all LEOs in attendance ‘not carry your service revolver on the expo floor.’ Nearly all who attended complied with the […]

DTI Trauma Kit Link

3 July 14 Lots of Web Pages got knocked-out yesterday. For many of us, the CMK links I sent thus far still don’t work This one is working now: Defense Training International (DTI) Kit If you still can’t find it, let me know /John

DTI Trauma Kit

2 July 14 I’m not sure what happened to the link to CMK I listed in the recent Quip on IBSs, but go to: That will take you to the section on the DTI Trauma Kit. Or, call CMK directly at 713 723 6000 Sorry for the confusion! /John

Courtroom Safety

2 July 14 Personal safety in courtrooms, from an Instructor and lawyer who works in one regularly: Most of us don’t spend much time in courtrooms. That includes even most lawyers. However, like hospital emergency rooms, courtrooms are dangerous places, and for the same reason. You won’t find happy people in either place! Sometimes, litigants, […]

Truama Kit

1 July 14 IBD (Israeli Battle Dressing) to the Rescue! From a friend and student in UT: “Last Saturday evening, my wife and I were emerging from a local restaurant just a minute or so after a collision between a bicycle and a car in the resturant’s parking lot. The bike and rider had been […]