Of course, with leftists words also have meaning, but meanings suddenly change, based on corrupt collectivist goals. And, we’re all required to accept this “new meaning,” or be punished!
Your Own Magnificence!
2 Sept 23
“‘Security’ is a state of mind. At any moment it can be shattered by someone who knows how to breach it.”
Bradley Lilly
“Words have meaning. And their meaning doesn’t change.”
Antonin Scalia
Thus, the gullible are routinely told lies by woke “personal security experts,” who are unfailingly mouthing the leftist playbook.
These “experts” talk ad nauseam about “rules,” “orders of protection,” “restraining orders,” and “developing a personal safety plan”
Not surprisingly, their dubious “safety plans” ever stop short of unostentatiously telling soon-to-be homicide victims:
1) Audaciously claim your own magnificence! Resolve to forcefully resist (including deadly force) murderous attackers. You have the right to continue living. They have no right to murder you!
2) Buy a gun, and learn how to use it effectively for “serious purposes.” It’s your Constitutional Right! When you desperately need a gun, there is no substitute that is even remotely adequate.
3) When the application of deadly force is necessary in order to preserve your life, at all times be in a position to apply it, with unapologetic decisiveness and precision.
4) Know that when incisive application of deadly force is the “solution,” it is usually the only solution!
5) Understand that sometimes, in order to save a life, you have to end a life. Resolve that, when necessary, you’ll boldly step-up to the plate, without hesitation. Your life hinges on it!
You’ll never hear any of the foregoing from the lips of soft-headed “security experts,” who haunt TV news networks. Few among them are willing to face facts, at least in public. But, you can bet they all own guns in order to protect themselves. They just won’t talk about it!
“Don’t hit at all when it is honorably possible to avoid hitting.
But, never hit soft!”
Theodore Roosevelt
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