13 Sept 22
Posting Update:
At the end of July, DTI’s Facebook page was canceled, by Facebook. It seems my Quips were just not quite pro-Democrat enough for their sophisticated tastes!
So, Facebook is history, and we’re now on “Locals!”
Quips are now posted on Locals, and simultaneously on the DTI Web Page, the same time they published and sent-out on Mailchimp.
1) When you want to sign-up to receive Quips on your email (via Mailchimp), as soon as they’re published, go to (there is no charge):
2) View DTI Quips on DTI’s Web Page at:
3) View DTI Quips on DTI Locals Page at:
My Quips can now be viewed, and commented on, in any of these three ways.
Or, send comments directly to me at jsfarnam@aol.com