“There will always be mal-intentioned ‘leaders’ willing to step-up and give people what they think they want, but haven’t earned. All that is necessary is enough envious and covetous people, more concerned with things someone else has than with developing skills and knowledge someone else has that allowed them to legitimately acquire those things.”
“Safe Storage?”
“Safe” for whom?
This from a friend and student in Madison, WI:
“As you may know, the City of Madison now requires trigger locks on all guns stored at home.
Today, I watched as a friend as he attempted to remove the trigger lock from his pistol. This took place at a local indoor pistol range.
The lock failed to open, twice!
Eventually, the gunsmith in residence had to drill it out to get it off the gun.
Not only is this product defective, it is blatantly unsafe for users who may face the worst possible scenario, like an active home invasion!”
My Comment:
Trigger locks (even when they “work”) have caused far more accidents than they have ever prevented!
Anything that goes inside the trigger-guard of a firearm is an obvious invitation to catastrophe.
Highly not recommended!
“Safety” and “readiness” will always be mutually antagonistic. A gun that is acutely “ready” is accessible to anyone who can see it. Conversely, a gun that is “perfectly safe” is perfectly useless!
Either extreme is obviously unsatisfactory. What we should be looking for is a reasonable compromise. There will never be any “perfect solutions!”
In order to adequately secure a gun in the home (protecting it from curious children, house-guests, household cleaning staff, etc), the entire gun needs to be locked within a gun-safe, that is kept out of sight.
“Quick-access” pistol safes are available. While less secure than a substantial gun-safe, they represent a reasonable compromise in some circumstances.
For those of us who go armed, the best solution will always be to remain armed at all times we are awake, even while we are “at home.” That way, the pistol is ever under our direct control, yet instantly ready.
Sleazy leftist politicians conspicuously want all guns possessed by homeowners to be perpetually useless and unavailable for defensive purposes.
Because, they don’t want any violent criminals (whom they ever promote, defend, and apologize for) getting hurt as they are go about their criminal trade!
On the other hand, murdered homeowners and other innocent citizens (who don’t vote for leftists) are obviously of no concern!
These are the same leftist politicians who want to permanently mutilate innocent minor children, absent any involvement, nor even awareness, of their parents.
They are despicable beyond words! They obviously couldn’t care less about anyone’s safety.
Make your personal security decisions accordingly!