12 Sept 18
Lancer Rifle Magazines:
For my M4s, I like 30-round magazines by Magpul, Lancer, and a few others.
I also like both Lancer and Magpul magazines for my Farnam Signature 7.62×51. Lancer makes both a 20-round and a 25-round version. I use both regularly, and both run just fine.
The plastic body of Lancer magazines can be had in “clear,” “smokey,” and “opaque.” I prefer the smokey version.
The Farnam Signature 7.62×51 is currently based on the POF Revolution Rifle and the Robinson Arms XCR/M.
Both are now available, and both are wonderful!
You can see photos and videos of the FS 7.62×51 and the FS/M4 on the DTI Web Page at defense-training.com
M4Precision, maker of Farnam Signature Rifles, can now supply Lancer magazines with any of the FS Rifles described, at a price lower than retail.
I recommend FS Rifle owners maintain at least ten magazines (fully-charged) for each rifle.
Rifle magazines can be left fully-charged more-or-less indefinitely, with no degradation in performance. There is really no reason for the existence of an empty magazine!
M4Precision can be contacted at: