2 July 13
Earlier this year, BHO treated us to this drivel, to the dripping applause of his liberal henchmen:
“Weapons of war have no place on our streets, nor in our schools, nor threatening our law enforcement officers”
Good thing our Founding Fathers didn’t drink that Koolaid, eh? If they had, there would never have been a USA!
The foregoing is precisely what our Founders were told by unscrupulous despotic tyrants, tyrants they gallantly overthrew, by force. As we see, it has taken little more than two-hundred years for a new generation of despotic tyrants, this time masquerading as “Democrats,” to, with a straight face, tell this generation of Americans the exact same thing.
Let us celebrate this Independence Day Holiday by training with our privately-owned “weapons of war!”
With a group of courageous students, that is what we will be doing, joyfully, courageously, defiantly!
“What ceases to be controversial, ceases to be interesting. Any idea that is not ‘dangerous’ is unworthy of the title.”