22 Oct 14
A Day of Hunting!
Today, Vicki and I spent a day with our long-time friends at Shawnee Ridge in OH. We hunt there this time every year. They are highly recommended by us! See their Web Page at:
This year, my superb hunting partner was my DDA (Devil Dog Arms) 15B Rifle (M4), in 300 Blk Caliber (7.62×35). I was shooting DPX (Barnes Triple Shock X, 110gr, ballistic tip), full power (not sub-sonic)
Everything functioned as advertised!
Hunting is like a poker game: I know how to play poker, but every game develops its own personality! I like both hunting and poker, because only so much is predictable. You can have a “general plan,” but you have to tweak it while in motion!
My “plan” was to hunt pigs, in the 100lb range. One never appeared. What did appear was a 700lb Himalayan Yak!
My Yak came over a ridge and walked toward us. I don’t believe he saw me, but he did see Vicki, who was wearing a yellow raincoat. He looked directly at her. She was motionless. From behind a tree and several meters to Vicki’s right,, I only had a shot at the Yak’s rear half, his front half being obscured by several trees downrange.
He must have stood there for fifteen minutes, never moving. My guide, who was behind me, whispered, “… do you have a shot?” I, barely perceptibly, shook my head, Range was 25m.
Finally he emerged, facing me directly. I was persuaded he would bolt if I moved quickly. My guide again whispered, “… between his eyes.”
I was wondering if my Barnes bullet would penetrate his skull, but my choice was either to take that shot within the next two seconds, or he bolts, and then we then start all over!
My DDA’s trigger is superb! The instant my shot broke, the Yak’s knees buckled, and he fell in place. I was on the link, prepared to deliver immediate follow-up shots. Only one was necessary! When, on the ground, he raised his head slightly, I delivered a final shot to his neck. He was DRT.
The entry wound from my first shot was in the middle of his face and several centimeters below an imaginary line between his eyes. It was a classic “brain-stem shot,” the kind we train with constantly for active hostage confrontation. With his brain-stem destroyed, he collapsed instantly. The Barnes bullet performed perfectly. That is the way it is supposed to work!
Vicki, with her M1 Carbine (iron sights) and also DPX ammunition, took a nice ram at 80m, and an Alpaca at 40m. The ram went down, got back up, but a second shot put him down for good. The Alpaca collapsed immediately. I put a “finisher” (probably unnecessary) through him with my DDA. The Barnes bullet penetrated (between shoulder blades and out his chest, as he was already down and facing away from me) 46cm (18″) and exited. Not recovered.
I am impressed with the 300Blk! With Barnes bullets, it is certainly adequate for some big game. I have my DDA set-up like my FSM4: Aimpoint T1 (forward mounted), coaxial flashlight, Sly Tactical two-point sling, co-witnessed BUIS.
Our annual pilgrimage to Shawnee Ridge gives me an opportunity to actively hunt with our military weapons, the kind we train with at all our Courses.
For most big game, 5.56×45 (223) is too light, even with DPX ammunition. That is my opinion, and not all agree, but I don’t like the prospect of chasing wounded game for extended periods.
It was a great day! I learned some things, as I always do!
We’ll be back next year!