8 Dec 22
From Pete Pi Jr, CEO of Defiant Munitions
“DM TCX 223-55gr is now in-stock!
I have been out of stock on that load for some time, but our vendors have enabled us to recently produce a batch. It’s available now!”
Farnam note: 55gr TCX is one of my preferred 5.56×45 (223) rounds. I’ve shot deer and hogs with it, and its lethality is amazing!
“DTI22” is the DM Farnam/student discount code!
“TCX 9mm in 115gr and 124gr are now being produced, and will be available on 6 Jan 23.
TCX 380Auto 80gr will also be available at that time. This round will refresh the 380Auto caliber!
Place your order now, as these items will sell-out quickly. Last time TCX 9 mm was available, it sold-out in four hours!”