22 Sept 20
Commercial Air Travel
I just completed a trip via commercial air (SW Airlines) to and from MDW (Midway Airport, Chicago) with my usual complement of gear. At MDW, they don’t have an X-ray machine, so all luggage is detail-inspected, manually!
There was no issue with any of my equipment, and my luggage all went through normally, arriving at my destination on the luggage carousel, right along with all my flight’s other check baggage.
With me, I transported two pistols, several blades, and my FS/M4/SRO Version, along with assorted magazines and ammunition.
Here is some things I recommend:
TSA requires “hard” cases for all guns in check baggage. Cases must be “hard,” lockable, and locked.
For my pistols, pistol magazines, and blades, I use Travel Armor cases. These are specifically designed forcommercial air travel, and TSA thinks they are just fine.
Never a problem!
For my M4 (with Steiner P4Xi, mounted), I use a Beretta CX4 Case. It is “hard” and lockable. TSA thinks it is also just fine!
It is not substantial enough as a “stand alone” case, but it fits inside my 36″ Eagle Creek Roller Duffel, along with my underwear, etc. I’ve traveled this way with a number of M4s, as well as with my Robinson Arms XCR/M (308), and my POF Revolution rifle (also 308)
I’ve traveled like this on hundreds of flights, without an issue.
I travel with “plain vanilla” luggage which does not look like a “gun case”

Some details.
The Beretta CX4 case can be ordered from Beretta by itself (without the CX4), but it comes with molded-in dividers that are designed to accommodate the CX4 Carbine. The dividers need to be cut-out in order that an M4 can fit (upper and lower separated). I took mine to a local auto-body shop where they have a router that does the job in a minute or two.
The Beretta CX4 Case is for air-travel only. When I get to where I’m going, I put together my M4 and put it (along with several spare magazines) into a low-profile carry bag for the remainder of my stayIn the past, I’ve used tennis-racket cases for this purpose. They work fine, but wear-out pretty fast!
I’m now using Savior’s 31″ “Covert Case.” It readily accommodates my M4, RA/XCR, POF Revolution (with stocks folded), with optics, and a 30-round magazine, inserted.
The Savior Case is light, well-designed, low-profile, and extremely well made!
I go in and out of hotels with it, and no one gives me, nor it, a second glance!
Of course, I continue to refine my act!
But, the forgoing serves me well!


Eagle Creek

Savior Covert

Travel Armorhttps://travelarmorcase.com/
