9 Sept 20 “Text without context is usually pretext.” Ted Mallory A disgrace to their profession! This morning, WBEN AM 930 Radio (Buffalo, NY) conducted an interview with a Rochester, NY TV reporter. The subject was violent criminal chaos ongoing in Rochester, NY. The entire Rochester PD command staff, including the chief, has precipitously either retired or resigned.
Of particular interest is the obvious unwillingness of this leftist, agenda-driven reporter to honestly confront physical attacks against innocent restaurant patrons and the wanton destruction of restaurants and other retail businesses by BLM rioters over this past weekend! The “news reporter” is asked to describe the situation. He meticulously avoids the question completely! Instead, he makes dubious references to “outside troublemakers.” When this reporter is asked, repeatedly, about the fallout for Rochester businesses, once more he clumsily skirts the question and goes off on a completely different tangent. My comment: As always, Democrats and their ever-obedient media lackeys are far more interested in agenda-driven, leftist propaganda than in reporting the truth. Even in a state of public emergency, the mainstream news establishment is not on the side of the law-abiding American citizen, and has no interest in honest reporting! Indeed, they’re afraid of the truth, because it makes their leftist political overlords look bad! When truth harms their leftist agenda, they carefully avoid reporting it! Thus, when seeking the truth, don’t bother asking these sleazy Marxist con-artists, masquerading as “news reporters!” /John