Hog Hunting!
30 Oct 24 Hog Hunting in FL Yesterday, I was able to go hog-hunting, once more with my good friend, Ian Hall, owner of the wonderful eighteen-hundred-acre Florida Hunting, Fishing, and Outdoor Adventures Hunting Preserve at the Oak Island Ranch in Okeechobee, FL Web Page is floridahuntingadventures.com Ian and I ventured-forth yesterday afternoon on an […]
Help not on the way!
29 Oct 24 “Disappointment results from the removal of illusion” Chogyam Trungpa Help is not on the way! A “gang of youths” exited their vehicles and executed a coordinated, vicious attack on an innocent women in Oakland, CA last Friday evening. Victim was savagely beaten. Follow the silence: Local media carefully avoids mentioning ethnicity of […]
Our Future?
22 Oct 24 “Totalitarianism is feudalism in the twelfth-century sense of the word” Barbara Amiel Is this our future? The ultimate goal of domestic leftists/socialists/Communists/Democrats in dissolving our national borders is not just to manufacture a source of illegal votes. It is the same reason they de-fund local police, empty prisons, apologize for violent criminals, […]
Sleazy leftists.! Sleazy lies!
17 Oct 24 “We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter.” Denis Diderot Our once-respectable FBI is reporting that, in 2022, there was a 1.7% decline in violent crime. Yet, many police departments are no longer even reporting crime data to the […]
14 Oct 24 “Safe” Inside a Stationary Vehicle? Two weeks ago, on I90 near Cleveland, OH, the entire freeway was blocked, taken-over, and completely shut down for more than a hour by a mob of street thugs who then accosted stalled motorists. No escape was allowed! Frantic 911 calls from stranded motorists were answered with […]
Sudden Attacks!
10 Oct 24 “40% of homicides go unsolved. It’s not a good record. 95% of ‘convictions’ come from plea bargaining, which is often coerced. It’s as if we have the worst of both worlds: We don’t convict the guilty enough, and we coerce the innocent too much!” Bill Maher Knife Attacks! >Last Saturday, a uniformed […]
Vicki Farnam’s new Book!
6 Oct 24 Vicki’s new, and long-awaited, book: “FlexCCarry Solutions, A Positive Guide to Off-Body Carry” Is now available from Amazon! https://www.flexccarrysolutions.com/ This is a controversial subject, but Vicki’s treatment is genuinely informative and very useful! When you order and read your copy, write a review and send it […]
Comments on “Neural Shock”
5 Oct 24 These comments from a seasoned neurologist, and good friend: “A high-velocity projectile passing through the heart will cause an enormous (but brief) wave of over-pressure, instantly increasing blood-pressure in the brain and spinal cord to well above tissue-damaging levels. Neither the brain, nor the spinal cord, can tolerate such high pressure! The […]
Hunting with a Handgun!
4 Oct 24 “But always there is present this feeling of unexplained relations of events” Charles Fort Handgun Hunting! For the first time in my life, I went big-game handgun hunting yesterday! Vicki and I were at Shawnee Ridge in OH. I used my S&W 629 (six-inch barrel, 44 Magnum, iron sights) with Cor-Bon (original […]