“Totalitarianism is feudalism in the twelfth-century sense of the word”
Barbara Amiel
Is this our future?
The ultimate goal of domestic leftists/socialists/Communists/Democrats in dissolving our national borders is not just to manufacture a source of illegal votes. It is the same reason they de-fund local police, empty prisons, apologize for violent criminals, make any species of legitimate self-defense a crime, and refuse to prosecute real violent felons.
They intend to make our lives so terrifying that we will blindly accept their long-advocated Marxist agenda, which includes obliterating our First, Second, and Fourth Amendment Rights as Americans.
The rest will fall quickly!
“Elections” become mere cynical formalities
Mouthing “misinformation” becomes a felony. In fact, some Democrats are even now openly suggesting penalizing all who “spread misinformation” (ie: any speech unflattering of them).
De-funded/demoralized local police and Sheriff’s departments are swept-away, replaced by heavily-armed “federal police,” endowed with all kinds of extra-Constitutional powers, and who answer only to their Communist masters.
Indeed, FEMA personifies that right now!
All “citizens” (not just Jews, Christians, men, property-owners, business people, capitalists, whom they hate already), become frightened, disenfranchised, impotent slaves, mere “property,” with no rights.
“Capitalism” is just another term for “economic freedom,” which is why Democrats hate it so viciously!
We thus descend into a frightening, tightly-controlled, feudal police-state, with them in permanent possession of absolute power, and all (now “serfs”) who express concern precipitously thrown into gulags and never seen again, just as is currently the case in North Korea, Venezuela, and other Communist shit-holes!
“The historian of the world will see that it was the Principle of Liberty;
that settled America,
and destroyed feudalism,
and made peace,
and keeps peace;
and that abolishes slavery”
Ralph Waldo Emerson