London Bridge, Again!
30 Nov 19 “In modern political science, there is no universally-accepted definition of the term, ‘government,’ nor has there ever been one!” Werner London Bridge, Again! On 3 June 2017, Islamic terrorists first ran down hapless pedestrians in a busy part of London (London Bridge). Then, armed with knives, they exited their van, slashing, stabbing, […]
London Bridge, Again!
30 Nov 19 “In modern political science, there is no universally-accepted definition of the term, ‘government,’ nor has there ever been one!” Werner London Bridge, Again! On 3 June 2017, Islamic terrorists first ran down hapless pedestrians in a busy part of London (London Bridge). Then, armed with knives, they exited their van, slashing, stabbing, […]
29 Nov 19 Bullpups: The “bullpup” design for military rifles places the action and magazine behind the trigger. The term was first used to describe embellished target pistols, so I’m not sure how, nor when, it first came to describe this particular design for rifles. The first example of the “bullpup” rifle pattern was the […]
26 Nov 19 Serialization: Serialization of various parts of military rifles and pistols was necessitated in a bygone era of manufacturing, where much hand-fitting was necessary at the end of the production process, and parts were thus not interchangeable between individual guns. Accordingly, consumers understandably wanted a way to keep together all parts assembled at […]
Arms Race!
21 Nov 19 Arms Race, in Europe and the USA: Breech-loading carbines (short rifles) became popular with cavalry units during the American Civil War, because reloading a muzzle-loading rifle (or carbine) while seated on a horse was difficult, to say the least! So, Infantry units stuck for the moment with muzzle-loading rifles, while cavalry units […]
DTI in 2020!
19 Nov 19 DTI in 2020 Our 2020 training schedule is now current and published on our DTI Web Page, at Many Courses an many parts of the Country! 2019 prices on all 2020 DTI Courses, as long as you register by 31 Dec 19! You can register easily and quickly, directly on our […]
Appendix Carry
17 Nov 19 “Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot teach it.” Hermann Hesse “Appendix” Carry: I’m not sure that appendix carry qualifies as a “trend,” but I’m seeing it a lot more of it than I did a decade ago. With […]
15 Nov 19 “Headspace” The term, “headspace,” refers to the distance from the part of the chamber that stops forward motion of the cartridge, to the bolt-face. That part of the chamber is sometimes called the “datum-reference.” When used as a verb, “to headspace” refers to the contact created between this part of the chamber […]
14 Nov 19 Next Generation Squad Weapons (NGSW) I had been told some time ago that DOD had settled on Remington’s 6.8SPC (6.8×43) as the successor to the existing 5.56×45 (in whatever generation of “wonder-bullet” we’re currently in). It looks as if that information was premature! The “6.8″ part is right, but DOD has apparently […]
Russia’s Contribution!
13 Nov 19 Military Autoloading Rifles: Several mentioned that in my last Quip, I failed to mention the Soviet SVT autoloading rifles, which did actually see active combat during WWII. Talented Russian arms designers, like Tokarev, Simonov, Fedorov, and Kalashnikov indeed deserve every bit as much credit as do Browning, Peterson, Garand, and Stoner, but […]
Two Cartridges!
12 Nov 19 A Tale of Two Cartridges: When WWI ended in November of 1918, most nations had come to the conclusion that bolt-action military rifles were now obsolete, and work on autoloading systems continued in earnest! Two autoloading military rifles that actually saw some production and issuance during the War, were the French RSC […]
Farnam Signature Fighting Rifles
6 Nov 19 Farnam Signature M4 and 7.62×51 Hans Vang, and his wonderful crew at Vang Comp in AZ, are now producing my FS M4s and FS 7.62x51s! The Vang Comp shop is not far from Gunsite! Vang Comp is known mostly for fighting shotguns, but they do a wide variety of work on pistols […]
Continuing Chaos in Mexico!
5 Nov 19 Continuing chaos in Mexico: Three SUVs, containing only unarmed women and young children (all US citizens), were shot to pieces by cartel sicarios in Northern Mexico yesterday. This was no “accident!” Innocent Americans were gunned-down and burned alive with fanatic deliberation! These same vicious cartels have also established operations in every part […]