5 Apr 14

The Argument:

“Hypocrisy cannot be forgiven, because ‘repentance’ for a hypocrite, is itself hypocrisy.”


I have scant tolerance for lickspittles and ethical cowards, uniformed or not!

It seems our current senior military “leadership” has become so enamored of their positions, that they have forgotten their oath to defend our Constitution, not just to make sure their leftist commissars are protected from the embarrassment that always attaches when they are challenged by reality!

Imagine Vlad P’s “career track’ for a self-righteous, pontificating Russian three-star who allowed defenseless, unarmed troops under his command to be casually slaughtered by a single lunatic. Yet over here, they get promoted!

In January of 2012, another lunatic entered a Detroit Police Precinct and started shooting the place up. Some innocents were wounded, but the madman was engaged immediately, with bullets, not words! His murderous rage ended abruptly. It did not go on and on, as it always does on “gun-free” military bases and college campuses!

In November of the same year, yet another armed lunatic went into the Southfield, MI Police station and began shooting. Once again, he was immediately gunned-down by armed officers. They didn’t hesitate. They didn’t have to, as their means of effective self-defense was instantly at hand. Once again, several innocents were injured, but the affair was quickly ended, with awesome finality, due to the actions of courageous officers, armed and prepared, on the scene.

In both the above examples, the murderer would have doubtless continued to murder the innocent until finally confronted by someone with a gun. Suicide would then likely end the episode, as it usually does.

So, why are our military officers and staff NCOs not armed constantly, as are our police officers?

We all know the reason: Obama-era “leaders” are afraid of their own men! They have such little faith in the moral character of these brave man and women, and in the laughable small-arms training most have received, that they are paralyzed with fear at the thought of them being armed. I know a few police chiefs who are similarly paralyzed. It is time both start earning their pay!

But, instead of fearlessly moving forward, they cynically offer us “bread and circuses,” while quietly arming their own bodyguards!

Our current national situation literally defines the term “decline!”

“The world kills the very good, the very gentle, and the very brave impartially. When you are none of these, you can be sure it will kill you too. There will just be be no particular hurry.”

