24 June 13
Ominous warning, from a higher-up IT friend:
“I was recently sent to and expensive, high-end ‘executive-development course’ with a vendor who purports to discover and refine ‘executive qualities’ of up-and-comers within large corporations.
I was subjected to a barrage of ‘personality inventory’ tests, as well as multiple interviews with counselors and evaluators. After collecting all of this ‘data’ on me, an ‘evaluator’ finally confronted me directly, and I was oh-so-cautiously informed that tests revealed that I harbored a ‘high level of distrust’ of government, and that is considered a very bad thing for a good little ‘executive.’
I replied, ‘… I worked for those guys for years. Of course I don’t trust them!’
In the former Soviet Union (CCCP), the most feared government entity was the ever-mystical KGB, (loosely translated: ‘Committee for State Security’). Successor to the dreaded NKVD, which slaughtered millions under paranoid Joe Stalin, the KGB, from it’s start, set out to amass data on everyone. No one was ‘beyond suspicion.’
The stated, multiple missions of the KGB were foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, internal security, border security, personal security for the leadership of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party, communication security, and suppression of ‘counter-revolutionary’ activity.
All of this responsibility was conferred upon a single agency. No wonder the KGB was ubiquitous and immensely powerful. Everyone, top to bottom, morbidly feared them. Their power was virtually unlimited. No one was beyond their reach!
The KGB, of course, directly reflected the inherent paranoia of the Communist leadership. They developed a massive network of intelligence-gathering sources and methods. It so intimately infiltrated the civilian populace, that so much as sharing one drink too many in the presence of the ‘wrong’ people, or even quietly uttering a written or verbal protest, often meant that, within a day or two, someone would confront you, and immediately take you away for ‘questioning.’
Your internment was always ‘indefinite.’ You might be in their custody for days, months, or years. No one would ever get to know where you were being held, and no visitation was ever allowed. Some ‘detainees’ were ultimately released, but only after being starved and beaten to within an inch of their lives. When returned to their families, many died shortly afterward because of poor health. Many others disappeared completely and were never seen, nor heard from, again. Families, to this day, are unable to get any information.
The process was always shrouded in consummate secrecy. No hearings. No trials. No records. No acknowledgment. No details.
But, Russians are resourceful! People at all levels, devised verbal ‘codes,’ ways of speaking without incurring suspicion, where real meaning was always carefully camouflaged. This code was referred to as ‘politically correct speech.’ You can understand why those who lived through that dreadful period of history are not amused when the same term is today so carelessly bantered about by clueless Americans. It was no joke back then!
Today, here in America, it concerns me that we have generalized surveillance on a level that would make the KGB drool! We’re constantly assured it is all so ‘necessary’ to track-down ‘terrorists.’ Yet, it seems the only people the current, oh-so-paranoid administration is interested in tracking-down, harassing, and punishing are political opponents!
What the media is currently reporting is only a minute fraction of what is really going on. In fact, the ‘media’ is, as you say, little more than the propaganda arm of the DNC.
As soon as the few feeble barriers to totalitarianism that remain (embodied in our Bill of Rights), are removed by the SC, we will be under the order of the System, our version of the KGB. Even now, our speech is monitored, and even our ‘silence,’ supposedly protected by the 5th Amendment, can now be used against us, all with the complements of the Supremes!”
“The genius of you Americans is that you never make clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves, which make the rest of us wonder at the possibility that we might be missing something!”
Gamal Abdel Nasser, Prime Minister of Egypt, 1967-1970