25 Apr 16
DTI Videos
In addition to our subscription Operator Series, I’ve elected to make available several free instructional videos on subjects I consider critically important in light of the current course of world history.
We are saturated with viewpoints (sometimes conflicting), particularly with regard to firearms training. I want to introduce correct mindset in a way that will inspire, embolden, and encourage aspiring Operators in pursuing formal training from competent instructors.
All free videos can be viewed at: dtioperator.com
Click on “Free Videos”
These are intended for unconditional sharing with friends, family, colleagues, and all others who may benefit
Current topics:
>Range Training Conduct, Etiquette, and Safety
>Legally Justified/Defensible Use of Force
>Talking with Children about Terrorist Attacks/Mass Shootings
More coming!
Of course, our subscription DTI Operator Video Series continues to expand and goes into much more detail, and I surely hope aspiring Operators will subscribe, but I think these free videos, intended for a wide audience, will stimulate critical thinking and inspire everyone to join us in our advancement and refinement of this Art.
“Any fool can ‘know.’ The point is to understand.”
Albert Einstein