20 June 14
Leftists in general, and the BHO Administration in particular, have become a cheering section for the PLO and Islam, while never passing-up an opportunity to reprimand Israel.
Today, Jewish students in American colleges and universities are openly terrorized by Palestinian students and Palestinian campus organizations (mostly attending at American taxpayer expense). University officials are, for the most part, casually unconcerned. But, let anyone say, even whisper, anything unkind about Islam, and they can expect to be immediately expelled!
This is from an Israeli publication. It obviously expresses their viewpoint, but it’s hard to disagree with:
“…the Belgian government refused to acknowledge that the massacre of four people at The Jewish Museum in Brussels, by an Islamic French jihadi, was an anti-Jewish assault.
Jewish teenagers are kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists in Israel, but it’s all the fault of the victims.
An elderly, wheelchair-bound Jewish man was thrown over the deck of a cruise ship by Islamic terrorists, and America’s premier opera house says it’s ‘art.’
Jewish teenagers are violently assaulted on the streets of Europe, and Europe yawns.
There is a pattern here. And it has nothing to do with peace.”
Comment: As is historically obvious, being Jewish has never been conducive to good health, no matter where one lives! However, it strikes me that today Jews are, once again, being singled-out for violence, both in Europe and the USA. And, at the highest levels of government, here and there, there is little more than cynical obliviousness. Obviously, no one cares!
Accordingly, American Jews, among all people, should be the group most jealous of our Second-Amendment rights.
Some actually are, yet many still vote for leftist Democrats who have openly stated it is their goal to literally rip guns from the hands of all Americans (except their own bodyguards, of course)!
They say “Never again!” I wonder how many really mean it?
“I’ve known many who claim to yearn for a fight, when the enemy is far away. Precious few continue to so yearn when the enemy gets close!”
US Grant