1 Oct 14
Trains, Planes, and Automobiles!
In our current Age of Terrorism, many of us need to rethink travel plans, even domestic ones!
Best way to travel is via automobile, where you can have emergency equipment constantly with you, and you have a high degree of independence with regard to sudden changes in circumstances. You can, at any time, unilaterally alter, delay, or accelerate your route and destination.
Busses and trains are extremely vulnerable to terrorist attack. Even when you have guns in checked baggage, they will probably not be accessible when the bus or train where you’re a passenger is commandeered. Not recommended!
Air travel is slightly safer, and your trip will be over relatively quickly. Even so, you don’t want to spend any more time in airports than necessary.
When traveling via any of the foregoing, wear sturdy clothing, particularly shoes/boots. Long-sleeved shirts and long pants are recommended. Wear a cap, in case you are forced to hike outside. When appropriate, have warm clothing with you.
Keep current with international and domestic news. Keep your i-phone on your person and fully charged. Keep family and friends posted with regard to your progress. Always have a powerful flashlight with you.
Don’t wear logo-shirts, nor shirts, badges, and buttons bearing political messages, slogans, etc. Don’t wear loud colors, expensive watches, nor ostentatious jewelry/hair styles. Being conservative and “normal” in appearance and disposition will get you NOT noticed, recalled, nor remembered!
It is good advice to always be polite and courteous, but don’t talk about your ultimate destination and don’t talk about where you live nor where you’re staying. You are never “on business.” You are always “visiting friends.” Don’t express controversial political/religious opinions in public. When you’re an LEO or active-duty military, keep that information to yourself.
When you re-claim checked baggage, immediately tear off and discard baggage tags. No one needs to know what flight you were on, nor where you came from.
These days, as we do our best to conduct our daily business, personal security must always occupy a high position in our hierarchy of priorities. When security concerns demand that we alter travel plans, we have to do so without hesitation.
Don’t paint yourself into a corner. Denial is often fatal!
“Happiness is not a reward. It is a consequence. Suffering is not a punishment. It is a result.”
Robert Green Ingersoll