15 Aug 98, Saturday, 12:23AM
Incident in the Midwest
Something interesting happened the other day that I thought you might
find interesting. A gunman broke into the one of my friends offices and
took hostages! Dr. _________ is a Pedodontist in _______ MI and I
refer many children to him who are difficult to handle. On Tuesday 11 August just as he was getting ready to
leave for the day an 18 year old man who was being chased by police and
who had fired shots at the officers during the chase ran into John’s
office. John was there with one staff member and his son. What happens
next is sketchy and I have not had the opportunity to talk to John
directly. Either the hostages were allowed to go or they somehow escaped
and the gunman was killed. I believe he killed himself after several
hours of the standoff.
Lessons learned:
It can happen here!
Results: I am never without a side arm . I have purchased sport coats
for to and from work and more clinic coats to wear at work and I am never
going to let this happen to me. I always wore a gun for after hour
emergencies, but this reemphasizes that you can never predict just when
or where trouble will strike.