13 May 20
Friends at Cor-Bon, Defiant, Supervel, Underwood, Lehigh tell me:
Demand for high-performance pistol and rifle ammunition has slowed slightly from the peak of the Covid19 scare eight weeks ago, but it remains strong.
Good time to stock-up, before the election season gets even more exciting!
9mm is still the hottest seller.
Cor-Bon’s 115gr +p DPX, Defiant’s 115gr +p TCX, Supervel’s 115gr +p SCHP, Underwood’s 90gr +p Extreme Defender (FTM bullet), and Lehigh’s 90gr +p FTM-EXD top the List!
380Auto is next most popular!
45ACP is a distant third. 38Spl is about even w/45ACP
“DPX,” “TCX,” and “SCHP” all describe a homogeneous, copper, HP (expanding) bullet
“FTM” stands for “Fluid Transfer, Monolithic,” and it describes a homogeneous, copper (non-expanding) bulletwith flutes cut in the nose that are designed to create sharp-angled plasma jets after penetration of soft tissue.
Price is coming down on FTM ammunition, with the introduction of an improved manufacturing process that Lehigh calls “EXD.”
Supervel is now consumer-direct, and you can order directly from their Web Page. It’s much less expensive now than when it went through distributors.
All tell me that brass cases and primers continue to be the most difficult of all ammunition components to keep in stock.
Propellant powders and bullets are a little more abundant.
DTI Student discount code at both Defiant and Supervel is “DTI2020″