29 Oct 24

“Disappointment results from the removal of illusion”

Chogyam Trungpa

Help is not on the way!

A “gang of youths” exited their vehicles and executed a coordinated, vicious attack on an innocent women in Oakland, CA last Friday evening.

Victim was savagely beaten.

Follow the silence:

Local media carefully avoids mentioning ethnicity of attackers and victim.  Yet, attackers yelled, “die fat bitch,” but that was not reported on most “news” outlets.

No one witnessing the attack stepped-in the assist the victim.

No surprise here!

Bystanders who do try to help in these kinds of instances are promptly pilloried as “vigilantes” by our self-righteous media, and then without delay victimized themselves, by leftist politicians.

Look at local hero, Daniel Penny’s, current plight in NYC!

A police investigator told this victim (while she was subsequently confined to her hospital bed) that her case is #15 in the queue and added, “… and this kind of violence common in Oakland.”

I’m sure that was a great source of comfort!

This appears to be a “hate-crime,” but it was carried-out by members of a “protected class” against a white female, who apparently lacks membership in such a “protected class,” but rather finds herself a hapless denizen of an “abandoned class”

This, a logical consequence of “identity politics,” but of course, I’m a “racist” for even saying that!

No arrests so far.  When arrests are made, charges will promptly be reduced to misdemeanors, so these violent, but “protected,” felons have little to fear from the CA judicial system, and they know it.

This victim did respond by biting one of her assailants in “through his calf,” as she was on the pavement being stomped.  That single act seems to have cooled things down, maybe saving her life.

So much for all that “expert” advice to “never fight back” and just give bad guys what they want, even when “what they want” is to beat you to death.

We’re on our own!

“… the ‘Right of Self-Defense’ is the foundation of both individual and national rights.

By contrast, for liberals, ‘grievance-based violence’ (which they promote and of which they approve) opens the door to the progressive tyranny they long for”

Dan Greenfield
