9 Aug 24


We here at DTI, Vicki in particular, have launched a new Web Page:


And, I expect some controversy!

This Web Page directly addresses to issue of “off-body carry,” in all its manifestations!

I was inspired by any number of our students for whom conventional belt-carry does not represent a viable option for “going armed”

An example is a friend and colleague who recently underwent abdominal surgery.  He can work and otherwise “function normally,” but he can’t bear tension around his waist, so he can’t wear a belt, much less a belt substantial enough to support the weight of a pistol, spare magazine(s), and other accouterments.

Similar unavoidable restrictions apply to pregnant women, the wheel-chair-bound, and those who, owing to work or religious requirements, can’t wear belts.

In any event for these people,”off-body-carry,” which we now call “FlexCCarry,” not only represents a viable solution; it represents a multitude of workable solutions!

Our new Web Page attempts to categorize/standardize various legitimate “FlexCCarry” solutions, and our new book on this subject will be available shortly!

As ethical instructors, we need to constantly remind ourselves who is working for whom, and we need to empathize with everyone who comes to us for enlightenment, not just average-to-large-size males.

The goal of the student and the instructor is always the same:

The improvement of the student!

Your comments are anticipated and welcome.
