12 Apr 16
“When in a tug-of-war with a tiger, and losing, give him rope before he gets to your arm. You can always buy a new rope!”
Max Gunther
And, you can always live somewhere else!
That is currently the inescapable conclusion of many of Chicago’s wealthy residents. Record rates of violent crime (and continuing to rise), along with simmering racial tension in BHOs “urban paradise” are compelling the wise to move away from the city.
There are two kinds of “rich” in Chicago, (1) the political rich, who get that way by trading in favors, rather than goods (as Ayn Rand would put it), and there are the (2) legitimate rich, who create genuine wealth by actually producing something of value.
The former are staying, not wanting to divorce the goose that lays golden tax-payer eggs. The latter, who pay those taxes (in exchange for the privilege of living in a war-zone), are frightened, fed-up, and departing as fast as they can.
Once vibrant Chicago is rapidly deteriorating into another Newark, Patterson, Camden, Philadelphia, or Memphis (take your pick).
Chicago’s pitiable mayor changes chiefs of police like underwear, as it that would have any effect. Of course, it hasn’t, as all residents with any kind of assets continue to vote with their feet!
Like towns enumerated above, Chicago is a good place to stay out of.
And, it’s going to get much worse, with leftists in control!
“The fall to death rarely begins with a great leap. More often than not, it begins with a slight slip!”
Robert Troi