17 June 21
“‘Anarcho-tyranny’ is a concept, where the state is more interested in controlling citizens, so that citizens do not oppose the overbearing political class (tyranny), rather than controlling real criminals (which might bring about peace and prosperity, and worst of all, dignity).
‘Laws’ are therefore enforced only selectively, depending on what is perceived to be beneficial for the ‘ruling elite.’”
Sam Francis
VBCs (at long last) may be wakening!
Representatives of the LAPD were recently summoned to a public forum in one of the City’s high-rent districts.
Citizens there were fearful and frantically expressed alarm at the gigantic spike in violent crime and widespread general lawlessness .
They demanded that police “Do something!”
As they’ve had to do so many times before, police command-staff officers in attendance then reluctantly informed these naive citizens that nothing could be done, because these same citizens had voted this tragedy upon themselves!
“You voted for this Marxist sleaze. What did you think would happen?”
Figuring all this out isn’t difficult, assuming you have at least a couple of working synapses and are willing to face reality, instead of living in some make-believe world!
Marxists are criminals, by definition!  Leftist politics does not attract honorable people.
When elected/appointed, their only interest is the seizure and consolidation of absolute power, and extermination (literal) of all opposition. They sincerely believe that the rest of us exist only to serve them!
Their MO is to shamelessly use private-sector thugs to violently enforce their leftist political agenda upon the rest of us, much as Stalin did in harassing (eventually murdering) pesky dissidents and political opponents, and as Mudero is currently doing in Venezuela.
Accordingly, violent criminals are enthusiastically doing Marxists’ dirty-work for them, here and now! This is precisely why Democrat politicians won’t allow their precious criminals to be arrested, nor prosecuted, nor incarcerated.
Resulting violent chaos is what we’re seeing in CA, NY, IL and other Marxist enclaves.
Why is anyone surprised?
“We the people are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the Constitution.”