23 Aug 16
They’re all yelling “Allahu akbar,” as they attack their victims!
Last Saturday evening in Roanoke, VA, an American Moslem named Wasil Farooqui attacked with a kitchen knife, two people he didn’t know. One is still in the hospital. The other has been released.
The attack took place in an apartment complex where the victims lived. Farooqui apparently followed the couple as they left the swimming pool.
Farooqui was arrested almost immediately. He is originally from NYC.
While Farooqui, and his ilk, may lack the sophistication necessary to manufacture explosive belts, and even when they are unable to get their hands on guns, they are still extremely dangerous, as we see.
Israel sees these kinds of attacks every day. Now, they’re coming here!
These impulsive attacks almost never involve an escape plan. Perpetrators fully expect to be imprisoned, or killed on the spot. They are obviously influenced by the current radical Islamic narrative.
There is precious little that can be done about these individuals before they strike!
All of us are potential victims, no matter how we try to limit our risk-exposure.
So, we must be alert, always. Not paying attention is a deadly habit that will surely lead to victimization.
We not only must routinely go armed, but we must be able to react with precise, lethal force instantaneously. Even then, we may not escape unscathed!
It will get much worse! There will be many more victims. There is no “safety.”
“Opportunity does not waste time with those who are unprepared.”
Idowu Koyenikan