19 Sept 18
A hero goes down fighting!
Last Sunday morning, an American/Israeli (duel citizenship), Ari Fuld, was precipitously attacked by a knife-wielding Palestinian teenager in Israel. He was stabbed in the back at a shopping center near Jerusalem.
Fuld was likely targeted due to his high-profile, pro-Israel political activism.
At the moment of his attack, Fuld was carrying a concealed pistol (brand/caliber not reported).
After being stabbed (fatally, as it turns out), Fuld ran after and shot-down his attacker, preventing him from committing additional mayhem against other innocent bystanders.
As a result, the Palestinian perpetrator suffered multiple gunshot wounds, but survived.
Fuld died a short time later at a nearby hospital.
Fuld, though painfully wounded and dying, summoned the courage, psychological determination, and physical strength necessary to put his pistol to proper use… one last time!
Fuld’s heroism demonstrates, once again, that armed citizens represent, by far, the best deterrent to terrorism!
Let’s not miss important lessons:
1) Keep your head up! Watch your six, relentlessly.
Innocent-looking, bubble-gum-chewing teenagers, sitting on the fence behind you may indeed be weapon-wielding great-grandsons of Yasser Arafat!
That’s not “paranoia.”
That’s the caustic reality of this unsafe, unsettled world of 2018!
2) Go armed!
Don’t delude yourself into naively dividing your life into “safe” and “dangerous” times and places.
There is no “safety,” not anywhere, not any time, nor will there be during our lifetimes!
3) Train!
The world is full of lethal weapons, and violent criminals/terrorists will always have access to them.
Some of us are experts in their use. The vast majority are bungling amateurs!
The critical, war-winning advantage we have over armed terrorists is our courage, audacity, and practiced expertise.
Be one of us!
4) Finish the fight!
When placed “in extremis,” and your destiny is to go down, resolve to go down fighting!
Ari Fuld did, and he serves as a shining example to all of us!
“The battle, Sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.”
Patrick Henry