
21 Mar 25 Dishonorable trash, masquerading as our Countrymen During my lifetime, classic virtues such as rugged individualism, honesty, bravery, skill-at-arms, mental toughness, productivity, and what Finns call “Sisu” (audacity, resilience) were honorable traits, for both men and women. As amazing Americans, we were expected to strive after them, no matter our starting-point, audaciously carrying-on […]

Final comments on AI

18 Mar 25 “‘Faith’ doesn’t make good science. Curiosity does!” Professor Jacob Barnhardt (played by Sam Jaffe) to “Klaatu,” (played by Michael Rennie) in the 1951 science-fiction classic, “The Day the Earth Stood Still” We are supposed to believe AI is an “artificial person” Rubbish! AI has become a mere blindly-obedient “engine of narrative enforcement” […]

More on AI

17 Mar 25 On AI, from a friend and author: “I am writing a book on the issue of concealed carry. Thinking it would be helpful with referencing, formatting etc, I decided to use AI. To my surprise and dismay, AI deleted material aspects of my book, because they ‘violated its terms and conditions.’ When […]


14 Mar 25 Flashlights! I encourage students to carry at least one tactical flashlight all the time.  Tactical flashlights are literally “non-deadly weapons.”  Most are small enough to be carried routinely And, unlike guns, knives, batons, and OC spray, flashlights are completely unregulated.  You can take yours anywhere, including schools, government offices, commercial flights.  There […]


13 Mar 25 “Technology is a useful servant, but a dangerous master” Christian Lous Lange AI “AI” (call it “intelligence” if you wish) is based on huge sets of digitized data. Western Civilization has been doing almost everything digitally for more than two decades.  More recently, all data is agglomerated into “data centers,”. I have […]

Live From The Field

5 Mar 25   “Celebrating diversity,” at the expense of simple logic in serving and protecting citizens: Boston’s woke mayor, instead of commend the bravery of her magnificent police officer who had the decisiveness and courage to gun-down a murderous criminal who was threatening innocent customers at fast-food restaurant, and for having the competence and […]

Weapons of War

1 Mar 25 “‘Opportunity’ is missed by most, because it is dressed in overalls and looks a lot like ‘work’” Thomas Edison Machineguns! By the time I was involved in active fighting in Vietnam in 1968, “heavy” infantry machineguns of World War fame were all gone.  My unit (USMC Infantry) was equipped with the open-bolt, […]

Fully Prepared!

25 Feb 25 “The instant we start thinking about the outcome, we lose focus on the process. Focus on the process, each step in correct sequence, always in the present tense. The outcome will take care of itself.” Jamie Gray When we make the hard decision to shoot a violent criminal as an act of […]

Video Update!

24 Feb 25 Video Update My series of videos on “Tactical Treatment of Gunshot Wounds” is now accessible from the DTI Web Page (along with all of my other videos/interviews) at our DTI Web Page: Go to Videos, then Archive There is no charge Quips, dating from 1998, are also all available DTI on-line […]

No warning!

22 Feb 25 “It makes no difference what men think of war. War endures.  War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade, awaiting its ultimate practitioner.” Cormac McCarthy Yesterday, an innocent Spanish tourist in Berlin, Germany was precipitously attacked and murdered by a nineteen-year-old, knife-wielding Islamic (Syrian) illegal-alien “asylum […]


21 Feb 25 “‘Innovation’ is the ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat” Steve Jobs Some Pistol History: At the beginning of the 1900s, both Colt in the USA and FN in Belgium enjoyed a close association with prolific American gun-designer, John M Browning (who died in 1926), and both produced […]


20 Feb 25 New Host! Godaddy has succeeded in annoying me for the last time! We’ve thus moved to a new host for our DTI Web Page,, also All my videos are now available directly at: There is a link on the DTI Web Page On-line DTI Course registration is working normally, […]

Brave New World!

15 Feb 25“Without adventure, civilization decays. Yet, adventure rarely reaches its predetermined end. Columbus never did reach China!” Alfred North Whitehead DJT’s Agenda: Since DJT is doing such a wonderful job of shaking-up our hopelessly ossified/bloated Federal System, including our military services (aka: “The Swamp”), here is yet another “radical” suggestion: Many times, I’ve editorialized […]

“Problem?” What “problem?”

14 Feb 25 “The easiest way to ‘solve’ a problem is to deny it exists” Isaac Asimov More Islamic terrorism, even when weak “leaders” don’t want to use that term! Yesterday, a twenty-four-year-old illegal immigrant from Afghanistan used his car to deliberately ram it, at high speed, into a crowd of pedestrians in downtown Munich, […]

The Law IS in our hands!

9 Feb 25 The stupid neither forgive, nor forget. The naive forgive, and forget. The wise forgive, but never forget! Thomas Szasz This response to my Quip of yesterday, from a long-time Jewish friend and student: “For one, I am in agreement with your comments of yesterday. Yet, the majority in the Jewish Community (at […]

Being a “Warrior?”

8 Feb 25 “In these times, any able-bodied person who is able to carry a gun, should do so.” Jerusalem Post Newsletter, 7 Feb 25 One “side-effect” of the highly-touted “Israeli Hostage Deal,” currently being shakily implemented, is this: As innocent Israeli hostages are finally being piecemeal repatriated, hundreds of convicted Islamic terrorists (vicious murderers) […]


5 Feb 25 “The dumbing-down of America is evident in the slow decay of substantive content, a ‘celebration of ignorance.’” Sagan “DEI” is just the advanced stage of a much greater philosophical evil: “Forced Altruism” When our culture demands that personal “righteousness” is determined by confiscation of our wealth and forced abandonment of our cultural […]


31 Jan 25 “Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count. Everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” Einstein What are the chances…? On 19 Jan 25, a black bear precipitously attacked a man out for a walk near his home in PA. The victim lived through it, but this animal attack would surely […]

More “Security Theater”

26 Jan 25 “There will always be mal-intentioned ‘leaders’ willing to step-up and give people what they think they want, but haven’t earned. All that is necessary is enough envious and covetous people, more concerned with things someone else has than with developing skills and knowledge someone else has that allowed them to legitimately acquire those […]

2025 SHOT Show, Last Day

24 Jan 25 The 2025 SHOT Show is now officially over, and we’ll be headed back to CO tomorrow. Today, I visited friends at the DSA booth.  DSA makes (in America) the FAL, which they call their SA58, and have for decades. DSA’s production quality is unmatched, and they showed me today their faithful reproduction […]