“We had a plan; unfortunately terrorists defeated it”
(Quotation from a local news reporter in New Orleans)
I wonder if the foregoing will be the glaring epitaph on the grave of Western Civilization!
High-speed vehicle-ramming attacks are a common tactic of Islamic terrorists in Western Europe. Less common here, until yesterday!
Vehicular barriers (called “bollards”) on Bourbon St in New Orleans had been scheduled to be deployed, but were not, at the time of the truck-ramming attack.
During a subsequent press conference, the excuse-making governor of LA naively doubts that bollards would have made any difference, “because this attack was evil”
Officials at all levels are predictably downplaying the role of, even the existence of, radical/murderous Islamics
Compare the foregoing with the calamitous 2005 flooding of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina:
Piecemeal funding of levee construction, combined with the fact that “environmental concerns” at all times trumped public safety, create a flood-control system “in name only”
A “National Flood Insurance Program” supported the false narrative that citizens were somehow physically protected during ruinous flooding.
I suggest that politics and politicians who naively support/promote Marxism will be consistently surprised, overwhelmed, and unprepared when calamity (natural or manufactured) strikes, as we see!
With leftists, public safety ever enjoys the lowest rung on their “ladder of priorities!”
We see that reflected in their constant promotion of the de-funding of our local police departments!
“There is nothing more difficult, more perilous, nor more uncertain in it’s success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.
1) The innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and
2) Only lukewarm, indifferent, and uninterested support among those who may do well under the new.”
Nicolo Machiavelli