25 Nov 15

As promised, our subscription “DTI Operator Video Series” is now up and running!

You can go to it directly at:


By way of review:

This exclusive, supplemental instruction is intended for DTI Alumni, but is suitable for LE, Military, and all other serious Operators.

Topics include everything from weapon maintenance, rifle setup (optics, lights, and slings), to team/family emergency procedures. Other important subjects we rarely get abound to discussing are personal security routines, components of the “stealth” lifestyle,” including privacy settings on computers, tablets, and smart phones, “sanitation” of photos before sharing, the whole issue of “social” media. Interfacing with the criminal-justice system. Protection/preservation of your rights and options, etc.

Benefits include:

• Unlimited access to new and archived videos. New content on a regular basis

• View videos via any internet-ready device, be it your computer, tablet, or smart phone

• No ads. I sometimes recommend products and services, but I don’t do “endorsements,” and we accept no advertising. I’m thus free to say terrible things about any product/service, and do!

• No “filler.” I’m not going to talk just to listen to myself talk, nor am I going to “invent” issues and controversy where there are none. All information will be genuinely valuable and relevant, or we won’t put it out.

• No gewgaw! I will not be a party to bogus commercialism, glamour, fads, novelties, etc. All information is valid and upright. My only obligation is to the truth and to improvement of students.

• No politics. I will not be endorsing political candidates, movements, legislation. Sometimes, in a moment of weakness, I let slip a political opinion. But, the sole purpose of the forum is improvement of the individual Operator, not political indoctrination. I have political and religious opinions, to be sure, but this forum is not my personal, political soapbox!

• Your personal information (what little we have) is safe. We do not save, track, nor sell any personal information, location data, nor browsing information, ever!

With this forum, I am doing my best to advance our Art.

Trust you enjoy it and find it genuinely useful and beneficial.

/John S Farnam, DTI