1 Aug 24

“The media has the ability to manufacture an entrenched perception of reality that is completely false!”

R Dalio

Despite dishonest claims by liberals and their media puppets, violent crime in the USA continues to spiral out of control.

Specifically, racially-oriented mob-attacks in urban areas have become a common occurrence.

Car-loads of teenagers cruse around, looking for victims.  When they find a likely target (usually a single individual), they stop abruptly, pile out of the car, and viciously attack.

They immediately knock their victim to the pavement and then repeatedly kick them in the head until they lose consciousness.  Many naively underestimate the lethality of this kind of onslaught!

Such precipitous attacks are frequently fatal, and attackers often even video themselves in the act, so unconcerned are they about any subsequent criminal prosecution, and their lack of concern is mostly justified.

Just such an incident occurred in Washington, DC this past Sunday. The female victim was walking to a local restaurant in the middle of the afternoon when she was attacked by a gang of teenage girls, all within a block of the FBI Building!

Recovering in a local hospital, the victim in this case was heard to say, “Is there anywhere where it’s actually safe?”

Operators know the answer!

Bystanders called 911.  Police response-time was one hour!

Attackers nonchalantly walked away, laughing and joking.  They didn’t even bother to run to their waiting car when police began to arrive.

None of the attackers have been subsequently identified, nor arrested, nor charged, and it will be largely just a “formality” in the unlikely event they ever are, as they will be released immediately and charges will invariably be reduced/dismissed.

This same group is suspected in a number of similar personal attacks in the DC area.

We’re going to see a lot more of this during this contentious “election season!”

Need I say it again?

We’re on our own!

“Tis well! from this day forward we shall know
That in ourselves our safety must be sought;
That by our own right hands it must be wrought;
That we must stand unpropped, or be laid low.”

William Wordsworth
