21 Nov 14
The Amazing Vlad P!
Russia’s Vladimir Putin has made a landmark decision to trust ordinary, plain-vanilla Russian citizens to keep and bear arms for, of all things, “self defense” and to “protect lives, health and property” Included are “long-barreled weapons, pistols, revolvers.”
He said, “You can get a lot more done with politeness and a weapon, than with politeness alone!”
Vlad P’s detractors are forecasting carnage in the street. When it doesn’t happen, like liberal hypocrites over here, they’ll all predictably develop amnesia!
What is the world coming to? While liberals over here can only talk about suffocating us with endless layers of new restrictions, Russians are talking about expanding individual freedom and liberty!
Could it be that the fact that armed citizens are the only credible deterrent to violent crime has finally become clear, even in Russia, if not in Washington?
Vlad P, for all his faults, at least genuinely cares about the people he is committed to protecting enough to courageously make this major change. I have to give him that!
Meanwhile, how long will those of us over here have to wait before we hear BHO say, “… and if you like your head, you can keep it.”
“An efficient and valuable man does what he can, whether the community pays him for it or not. The inefficient offer their inefficiency to the highest bidder, and are forever expecting to be put in office.”
Henry David Thoreau