3 Sept 24

Ethnic, Illegal-Alien Gangs:

In response to a ridiculous op-ed piece in the Denver Post, which argues that the Venezuelan gang who is currently terrorizing Aurora, CO is “not a problem,” since it would be “ethnic profiling” to identify them as being a problem, an attorney friend wrote this in response:

“It is not the vast majority of Venezuelan immigrants, papered or not, who are causing concern. It is however the small minority of Venezuelan immigrants who ARE gang members, and who ARE cause for GREAT concern!

Do I fear every Venezuelan immigrant?

Of course not!

This is not a racial, nor an ethnic, issue. This is however an all-too-real ‘gang issue.’ This gang, which appears to be raising havoc in Aurora, is a cause for great concern.

Defending Venezuelan immigrants, as a group, is a mere diversion from the real problem. You should be addressing the real problem and not diverting attention from it by shifting to a fake ‘ethnic issue,’ nor in a fake ‘anti-Venezuelan issue.’

No intelligent person is concluding that ‘all Venezuelan  immigrants, papered or not, are dangerous gang-members.’ Intelligent people ARE saying, ‘A Venezuelan gang IS a cause of great concern.’

We would be fools to ignore the fact that this gang of domestic terrorists is Venezuelan, by ethnicity or heritage, because saying that would be ‘politically incorrect.’

That is government propaganda and sheer nonsense, just at is it sheer nonsense to accuse worries of those who are legitimately concerned about dangers posed by this very real Venezuelan gang as being ‘unfounded,’ because the gang is Venezuelan in origin.

Reporting facts is not measured by political correctness, except in this op-ed piece.

Facts are facts, even when they are politically inconvenient!

‘Revisionist news’ is not news.

It is nonsense, with no place- even as an opinion piece.”

Here in the Denver area, ethnic Venezuelan gangs (nearly all illegally in this country to begin with) are currently engaging in violent take-overs of entire neighborhoods and apartment buildings, all with scant interference from police.

This would have been unthinkable a decade ago!

Now, it is dangerously real.

To no one’s surprise, the mayor of Denver, the mayor of Aurora, CO, and our state’s governor (all liberals) have gone into “full-spin mode” as they sheepishly render cowardly “word-salad” responses (reminiscent of KDH) to hard questions about this desperate reality.

Some facts not in dispute:

1) Many police departments (all over the US) are currently on a “slow-roll” for calls involving violence.

In many cases, this is an administrative decision, based on universal staff shortages, and political agenda.

Yet, nervous citizens translate this trend as “abandonment!”

2) The Aurora, CO PD has identified ethnic-gang-infested apartment complexes as sufficiently dangerous, that no fewer than three LEO’s are to simultaneously respond to calls from there.

So, while Aurora’s mayor says, in effect, “Nothing to see here,” his PD’s tactics clearly indicate otherwise!

3) Without fail, liberal politicians create “exemptions”  to gun laws, exemptions that benefit only them!

In addition, they invariably requisition large cadres of LEOs (who would otherwise be out protecting citizens) to devote themselves to protecting only them.

It’s fairly obvious that, to them, only their personal safety is important.

Curious the way leftists ever push their signature “cradle-to-grave, and we’ll take care of your every need,” big-government agenda on citizens.

Yet, when critically desperate need actually rears its ugly head, citizens are instantly abandoned, and then cynically told, by these same well-protected leftists, “You’re on your own!”

Thus, when LEOs insist they need patrol rifles and service pistols with “high-capacity” magazines in order for them to adequately confront increasingly violent and well-armed criminal gangs, then increasingly unprotected private citizens need free access to this same protective kit, and for the same reasons, would you not agree?

What we see here are heavily-armed, illegal-alien ethnic gangs, who are here only because of JRB-Administration open borders, operating without compunction, nor fear, all while liberal politicians do nothing!

It’s all a reminder as to just how serious things have become, right here in the USA!

And our leftist political elite, themselves all well-protected, seem to be enjoying it!
