26 July 24

“For 250 years, far-left uprisings have followed the same battle-plan- from the first call for ‘change,’ to the last innocent executed, from denial a revolution is even happening, to declaration of a ‘new order’…

Communism, socialism, Marxism, and all other radical-isms are not ‘philosophies,’ but tactics- tactics that are designed to unleash terror on everyday people and revoke their human rights to life, liberty, and property…

This is what they do- every single time!”

From “Unhumans,” by Jack Posobeic and Joshua Lisec

KDH (presumptive 2024 Democrat presidential candidate) has wasted no time in promoting her fanatical anti-Second Amendment stance.

Also, she obviously has no use for, nor empathy with, capitalists (“kulaks” in Communist jargon) and the entire private-sector economy (of course, she has never been part of the private-sector economy).

She makes Berne Sanders look like a Libertarian!

Anyone who ever entertained the fanciful notion that KDH will relent in the slightest before the keeping and bearing of arms by private American citizens is ruthlessly eradicated, can now relax.

There is no chance!

At the just-concluded Republican Convention in Milwaukee, WI, I heard no mention of Second Amendment issues, not a peep, not even during DJT’s acceptance speech.

We’ll see what mention it receives at the DNC Convention in Chicago next month.

Maybe Democrats have already written-off all support from American gun-owners.  Openly soliciting voter-fraud via illegal aliens they’ve gladly let in, maybe they’ve concluded that legitimate votes, from genuine American citizens, are no longer significant, nor even necessary

World history is moving fast, and we’re all swept-up in it!

“Dwell on the past and you’ll lose an eye…

“Forget the past, and you’ll lose both eyes!”

– Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
