8 Sept 17
Hurricane Harvey Update, from a student in Port Aransas, TX
“Delusions of Security”
“We, along with 500k others, are now making slow clean-up progress, as we emerge from Harvey’s destruction. We have running water now. We’re told electricity will be back on tonight.
However, ‘human nature’ continues to amaze!
Our neighbors are all in a similar circumstance, and we look-after each other.
But, car-loads (sometimes truck-loads) of low-grade trash, from heaven-knows where, regularly prowl our streets, particularly at night.
We have much of our furniture and other personal property drying-out on our front lawn. There is no place else to put it! I have personally stopped these thieves from blatantly stealing our, and our neighbors’, property, many time in broad daylight. It is remarkable to see. Anything left untended will disappear!
I’m constantly running them off.
When they see that I am armed, there is never an argument! They are scum, and they know it, and they know full-well they are stealing from the wounded, so there is seldom any attempt on their part to ‘justify’ what they’re doing. They just leave, quickly!
Until our police resume ‘normal’ operations, we have to thus personally protect what we have left, and ourselves!”
Comment: Hurricane Harvey is dissipated now, but all of FL, GA, maybe SC and TN are currently bracing for Hurricane Irma’s impact, with at least one more hurricane (Jose) right behind.
At the same time, there has been an eight-plus earthquake in Mexico, with many fatalities, while yet another major hurricane (Katia) is about to impact Mexico’s gulf coast!
And, North Korea is poised for yet another major provocation! Probably a missile launch, probably this weekend. A shooting war, sooner or later, is probably inevitable!
Our news media can’t keep up with it all!
Who knows what any one of us may be forced to do, in order to just survive!
“Security” is indeed a self-deceptive delusion, and right now a cruel one for many!
This is no time to be unarmed, nor otherwise unprepared!