8 Feb 12

Comments on AR triggers, from a manufacturer:

“In the AR’s lower receiver, the ‘standard,’ factory trigger is creepy, gritty, and breaks at five to seven pounds. With Stoner’s system, there is no hammer-blocking function associated with the safety-lever. Instead, the safety-lever blocks the trigger, of which the sear is integral. In order for the rifle to be drop-safe, engagement surfaces are large and have a high degree of contact. Little can be done to ‘tune’ these engagement surfaces, without compromising drop-safety.

There are a number of ‘replacement’ triggers available for the AR, some of which claim to be suitable for ‘Operator’ use. I cannot state, with any certainty, how drop-safe these replacements are. However, none are necessary, nor are they recommended.

When we train and shoot enough to become familiar with our rifle’s trigger, we will learn to control it (and ourselves) adequately. Spend your money on ammunition and training, instead of on delicate, temperamental ‘wonder-triggers.’ You bought a ‘utility,’ battle rifle. Don’t try to turn it into something it can never be, like a ‘sniper’ rifle!

There are also enlarged, replacement AR safety-levers, which are held-on by a single screw. While the thread-locker might be adequate, I will stick with the one-piece unit that comes on the rifle. When your safety-lever falls off, due to a loose screw, the safety will no longer be operable, and your rifle will be thus rendered instantly useless!

In our industry, we have a saying: ‘Don’t (1) glue, (2) screw, nor (3) pin things onto serious weapons. Whatever it is will never stay there!’”

Comment: Losers endlessly complain about limitations of their gear and the inherent “unfairness” of their circumstances. Conversely, Operators, through tough, relentless training, learn to master their equipment, and themselves, no matter supposed “limitations” of either.

Abuse all your equipment during training, and pray it fails, well before you desperately need it to save your life! Failed equipment can thus be repaired/discarded when it is discovered unsuitable for serious use.

Your “Test” is coming! Don’t con yourself with silly, fragile “kiddy-gear,” designed to impress the naive, rather than to end real fights efficiently and quickly.

Would you bet your life on your equipment?

You have!
