13 Mar 25

“Technology is a useful servant, but a dangerous master”

Christian Lous Lange


“AI” (call it “intelligence” if you wish) is based on huge sets of digitized data.

Western Civilization has been doing almost everything digitally for more than two decades.  More recently, all data is agglomerated into “data centers,”.

I have scant idea how much “protection” these data centers enjoy, but I suspect very little, judging from Israel’s recent embarrassing hacked leakage of citizens’ CCW information.

I also wonder if developers of AI, give any intentional thought to epistemology (method of thinking) when they create algorithms and “teach” machines how to generate their own code.

As with humans, sloppy thinking is reflected in sloppy dressing, sloppy behavior.

For one,  I struggle to think clearly, balance induction and deduction, and employ principled concepts, correct language.

Enlightened thinking is hard work!

I nervously wonder if “AI thinking” is moral and reflective of ethical reasoning.

Potential benefits are great enough that every major government and large entity are attempting to scoop-up every scrap of data they can.

For one, I have not used AI apps, although I may have no choice before long!

In the interim, I want to keep my own brain exercised, and “in-the-loop”!

“Satan never sleeps”
