17 Jan 17
2017 SHOT Show, 1st Day:
Two more major companies have now produced Glock-like pistols, both of which I got my hands on today:
Century Arms CANIK (TP9) Pistol, and the CZ P10C Pistol.
Both are striker-fired, polymer-framed, double-column, 9mm service pistols, with VGG (variable grip geometry), tabbed trigger, and no manual safety. Retail for either is $500.00-$550.00. Both are very acceptable, and very new!
I particularly like the CANIK. Turkish manufactured, but well made, its slide is ceramic coated (cerakote). Slick and smooth. Trigger is Glock-like, with crisp reset. My friend and colleague, James Yeager, is currently carrying a copy and has no compunction about recommending it. I may do the same!
One concern of mine is the pistol’s ambidextrous, long, cantilevered slide-release levers. When operating the one on the left side of the pistol with your thumb (assuming you’re right-handed), there is no problem. We prefer racking the slide, but using the lever may be necessary from time to time.
However, when a right-hander uses his right index finger (trigger finger) to push down the lever on the right side of the pistol, his finger often slides off, enters the trigger-guard, and hits the trigger! On the left side of the pistol, the thumb is too short to cause that problem.
The Walther PPQ has the same issue! On my copy of the PPQ, I had my gunsmith simply remove the lever on the pistol’s right side. With it gone, the potential problem goes away!
When I get my copy of the CANIK, I’ll perform the same surgery!
I’ve informed friends at both Walther and Century Arms about this potential issue, so they are aware of it.
I asked friends at Beretta if their Glock-like APX Pistol would see the light of day at this year’s SHOT Show. They answered in the negative, once more, and could give me no intro date. I’ve only seen pictures of it.
That leaves only two, major gun companies without a modern, flagship pistol to sell:
Beretta and Colt. Both need to get with it!
Friends at DSA, Robinson Arms, et al all tell me that there is little profit any more in low-priced, plain-vanilla ARs. Much competition, and some companies now using cheap, Chinese parts (which are mostly crap). With retail prices flirting with $500.00, there is scant incentive to get into that business.
The money is now in high-end AR and other military rifles, with features like high-tech coatings, M-lock forends, high-tech optics, collapsible/adjustable stocks (Robinson Arms’ version is called the “Fast 3″), etc. DSA, Robinson Arms, PTR, Daniel Defense, Doublestar, et al now have wonderful offerings and packages in that category. For one, I don’t want a “cheap” AR!
Cor-Bon is now making practice (hardball) ammunition, in house, at attractive prices! Their high-performance ammunition, like DPX, Power Ball, Urban Defense all continue in high popularity. Cor-Bon is becoming a major player. A company to watch!
I got a chance to handle Meprolite’s “FT” sight today. It’s a low-profile attachment to the rear of a pistol’s slide. Much less bulky than a typical RDO! No holster modification required. No batteries. Front sight becomes irrelevant! Shooter sees a small, illuminated dot, surrounded by a small circle when the pistol is at eye-level. I like the “sight picture,” but I’m concerned that you can’t see anything until everything is precisely aligned. I thus found myself “fishing” for the sight picture as the pistol came up to eye-level. Maybe after I use it for a while, a consistent presentation will address that issue.
Kahr, who used to have the single-column, striker-fired, carry-pistol business to themselves, now has much competent competition, as I mentioned yesterday. They’ve responded with their new TU3 series of 9mm and 380auto pistols, featuring three-dot sights and a cerakoted slide. I like it and will have a copy (9mm) soon!
Friends at Comp-Tac tell me that the trend in concealment holsters now is in making holsters that will accommodate RDOs and laser attachments permanently attached to pistols, as it seems those two “enhancements” have really caught-on in the burgeoning concealed-carry market.
Speaking of which, friends at GTM (Gun Tote’n Mammas) tell me demand for their purses, briefcases, and handbags continues brisk! For many women, and not a few men, “off-body carry” represents the only option for being continuously armed. GTM’s line is, by far, the most current, competent, and extensive, and all top quality. We’ve trained GTM’s management team, so they know how to go armed, and do!
For those of us who still prefer “on-body” gunleather, Tom Kulwicki at Alessi Leather is the man to see! Tom’s shoulder-holsters, ankle-holsters, and his “Talon/Tuckable” belt holster are second to none! Expensive, but the best always is!
The Show is huge. We’ve barely started!
More tomorrow.