18 Jan 13
The 2013 Shot Show is now history. Record attendance, record number of exhibitors, and heavy security, but 2013 (maybe 2014 too!) will go down in history as “The Year of Shortages.” Many makers of guns and ammunition have already stopped taking new orders. They’re doing their best to take care of long-time customers, but no one, and I mean no one, is getting everything they want, nor will they for the foreseeable future!
Some of my friends predict this current feeding-frenzy will slow down over the next few months. But, others are saying it is going to get still worse, and no relief will be seen at least until we’re well into 2014. Maybe 2017!
Friends at Ruger showed me their LC9. Like the S&W’s M&P Shield, XD/S 9mm, Beretta Nano, Kahr PM9, and Taurus 709, Ruger’s flat, short, LC9 is a Glock-like eight-shooter, designed for discreet, concealed carry. Popular these days! Beretta’s Nano is particularly flat and snag-free. A well-known colleague with whom I had dinner this week carries an LC9 in has front pocket, continually. He loves it!
Ruger deserves a lot of credit for courageously stepping forward, as a company, and initiating the “Protect Your Rights” Project, designed to counter misinformation (aka “lies”) about guns and gun-ownership constantly pumped out by our sleazy, leftist news media, and their gaggle of political puppets. Everyone in our industry, and Art, needs to stand with, and support, Ruger in this brave effort. Good show, Ruger!
Friends at ASP showed me their new line of flashlights. Famous for their high quality, ASP now has a “Turbo” line of small flashlights, designed to be carried concealed, that have a legitimate output of 700 lumens. Amazingly bright! ASP’s new line of collapsible batons also features several innovations, such as the fact that they can be extended and collapsed discreetly, and when locked into place, they really lock, so you can jab with them without them unintentionally collapsing.
Olight and Terralux also make extremely high-output flashlights, 500 and 600 lumens. Both feature a screw-on (and off) “DNA-collector” on the bezel. Handy for air-travel.
I met Jeff Wall, new Director of the Cor-Bon Academy. Jeff is sharp and dedicated to the advancement of our Art. We’ll be working together later this year. Other friends at Cor-Bon tell me their current best-seller is the 100gr 9mm Powerball. DPX is also popular, but a good deal more expensive. 45ACP Powerball is in second place. 40S&W is third. DPX (40S&W) is my standard, carry round.
When talking about 7.62×51 (308) caliber military rifles yesterday, I neglected to mention FN’s gas-piston SCAR, called the 17S (in 5.56×45, it is the 16S). The SCAR is a really good system! We’ve had them in courses, and the run fine. Field-stripping is nearly as slick at the XCR-M’s, and SCARs all feature a wonderful folding stock. One issue: The SCAR 17S accepts only FN’s proprietary 20-rnd magazine (while the 16S accepts standard AR magazines). FN’s SCAR 17S magazines is in short supply right now, as are most others. Still, the SCAR is definitely on the Recommended List!
My friend and colleague, Rob Pincus, has invited a number of well-known instructors, including me, to serve on the Board of a new organization, ADSI (American Defensive Shooting Instructors). I was delighted to accept! ADSI ‘s purpose is to provide informational resources for instructors, in and out of law enforcement, around the country and around the world. We all met together last evening and agreed that we, and our new organization, live to advance our Art, among ourselves and the entire community of instructors. Web Page is up, and membership is open to everyone.
We’re looking at an exciting year! The 2014 SHOT Show is again in Las Vegas, NV next January.