4 Dec 14

“A gun that is perfectly safe, is perfectly useless!”


NDs in “forward areas:”

Since 2007, there have been 126 “reported” NDs in Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan). Three deaths, and eleven other (non-fatal) injuries. However, those are just the ones that were “reported.” You can probably multiply that by at least ten to get the actual number of NDs!

Our predictable response has been to endlessly reiterate to beleaguered soldiers how to unload guns properly, how to make their guns useless. “Safe weapons clearing” is all that anyone is apparently worried about!

This is from a Battalion Sgt Major:

“A round doesn’t go into the chamber when you are on the FOB (forward operating base), because:

(1) There isn’t a ‘need’ to keep rounds chambered in weapons on the FOB

(2) The “atmosphere’ really doesn’t put us in a position to walk around with loaded weapons

(3) If a soldier were to get into any type of trouble, he will have enough time to lock and load that weapon.”


Can you imagine how that pseudo-sanctimonious lecture would go over among a group of domestic police officers, police who daily work in places a lot less exciting than a typical overseas FOB? Our cryptic reply would be, “Sorry sergeant, but we carry loaded guns all the time, on-duty and off, and we don’t care who likes it!”

Who carry pistols with empty chambers are not “ready” for anything but becoming homicide victims!

I’m not sure what “atmosphere” the Sgt Major is talking about, but FOBs are frequently, and aggressively, probed by insurgents who passionately want to murder every American they can get close to, and I suspect those insurgents are all carrying loaded guns. They apparently didn’t get the Sgt Major’s memo!

Soldiers, like domestic police, should be trained to comfortably carry and keep loaded guns, particularly pistols, constantly. The real source of the “ND Problem” is endless, and utterly unnecessary, gun-handling mandated by stupid “rules,” put in place by careerists more worried about their next promotion than they are about the safety of their men. When loaded pistols just stay in holsters and are not touched (except in emergencies), most unnecessary gun-handling, and thus most NDs, will be eliminated.

Forward-deployed soldiers continually unprepared for battle is a misanthropic contradiction of terms, and a predictable formula for massacre. And, we’ve experienced many such pathetic massacres of unarmed American soldiers, here and there, over and over again, and all we seem to be able to worry about is how we can disarm more of our soldiers, more of the time!

Among domestic police, we are armed continually, as noted above. Yes, we have NDs now and then, even ones causing injury. But we get over it, and back to work, quickly! Our response is always more intense and courageous training, never nervously disarming everyone!

Guns are dangerous! But, we need them. In order to be personally victorious, we, and the guns we carry, need to be always in a high state of readiness. That should be the goal of all training.

“Over the years, Americans have been all too willing to squander hard-earned independence and freedom for the illusion of ‘feeling safe’ under someone else’s authority. The concept of self-sufficiency has been undermined over a scant few generations. The vast majority of the population seems to look down their noses upon self-reliance as some quaint dusty relic, entertained only by the hyper-paranoid or those hopelessly incapable of fitting into mainstream society.”

Cody Lundin

Heroes never “fit-in!”
