11 Oct 18
“He was going to kill me”
Recent testimony of the armed British Police Officer who shot and killed terrorist Khalid Masood, shortly after Masood stabbed to death Officer Keith Palmer, as unarmed Palmer was posted at the Carriage Gates into New Palace Yard in March of 2017.
To his credit, the armed officer, using his G17, fired three shots at Masood, and all three hit!
Masood’s fell to the ground, and his wounds proved fatal in less than a minute!
For his own protection, the officer who fired the fatal shots was granted anonymity at the inquest.
The officer’s voice broke as he testified that he “had no choice.”
What I find paradoxical and unsettling is this:
Appropriately armed, well-trained British police officers, selected to carry concealed G17s while on-duty, apparently during formal inquests into legitimate fatal shootings have to turn themselves into sobbing supplicants, seeking “cultural absolution” from their firearm-hating society, many of whom sincerely believe (while safe and secure behind their desks) that deadly force is never necessary!
The precise application of deadly force in this case was expert, and both legally and also morally justified.
In fact, it is hard to imagine how this officer could have done it better!
For what he did, this officer should be congratulated, thanked, promoted, and hailed as a national hero!
Instead, this courageous officer’s police career is now probably over!
Rather than congratulating him, they crawl up his ass with a microscope in an attempt to find something, anything, he did that was less than perfect!
When good guys are alive, and bag guys are dead, that should be cause for relief and celebration!
Instead, at least in the UK, they denigrate their courageous warriors, while slobbering with endless sympathy over dead terrorists!
Upside down?
“Rome’s fall was presaged by the sleazy corruption of its politicians. As a fat, self-indulgent middle class raised their children to be sheep, enemies raised theirs to be wolves!”
Jeff Brunken